I don't get it why are they getting all bent out of shape about Manhunt 2 being violent. Isn't the Godfather game basically the same premise might be less violent but still you can grab an item and hit someone with it by swinging the wii mote right. That is what they are saying is so bad that the person playing the game is actually doing the violent motion. Non the less there are games already out there were you go thru with the violent motion. Jack Thompson is a douche, if you are going to complain about a game complain about all of them they all have the person doing the motion of violence like the Godfather game or Red Steel you still swing a sword right hell even Zelda you are swinging a sword. Just because a game shows a little more blood/gore than another doesn't mean is should be condemned when other games do the same
by the way what do you think of the Godfather game and Red Steel are they worth a rent or what:D
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