Seriously treyarch has no record of this game on their website, possibly because they only post previouslyreleased games. This game isn't available for pre-order probably because it has no cover. I only managed to find this game available for pre-order on COD:Mobilized for the DS had some info released a long with the announcement and a cover. This could easily mean that this game will just be the same game as COD4 since they seem to think we already know what were getting.
Of course they didn't call it COD4:Modern Warfare and took the 4 out so this could just mean the same campaign. I will probably be thinking aboutgetting the gameif it has allthe same as COD4 2 years ago on other platforms becausethatwould be pretty maxed out in modes compared to COD:WAW Wii. I already have the 360 version, butWii controls are always fun to try.Of course I would much rather have an improved version of Modern Warfare besides improvedcontrols, but since the Wii can't handle as much as the 360 or PS3,it won'tbe able to add modes without taking something out.This means the Wii will have to get rid of some COD4 modes (cough arcade mode) to bring in better ones.
Of course that's really the least of Treyarch's worries. They need to improve a lot from WAW to live up to this games expectations and compete with other console shooters. They have to bring in 12 player deathmatch, Wii speak, more online modes, split screen and retain the samesmooth full featured online system. The Wii could handle a lot more then WAW for the Wii, and without lots of WAW's unessicary perks and the more levels and content the Wii will be able to make COD:MW more full featured then WAW because Modern Warfare had less unessicary content. Also the graphics will have to improve. COD:WAW Wii had an excuse since it was the first time the COD4 engine is on the Wii, but now they will definetly have to tweek the engine to make it better for the Wii. I'm sure in theshorttime they had to workwith COD:WAW Wiiand focusing on other platforms would make COD WAW Wii hard to max the limits and tweek the engine. Now they just have to focus on the Wii and they already had Infinityward make theoriginal game, they just have to port one with the campaign and online system made up already.
I would like it to max the Wii's limits, and be smart on taking out modes, and possibly add some more useful ones. So take modes like arcade mode, cage match, and maybe someother uselessmodes that weren't popular on COD4. Possibly add a mode like the Special Forces mode on Modern Warfare 2 which is a co-op bonus mode, or Survival mode whichsounds similar to modern nazi zombies (like Gears of Wars Horde and Halo 3:ODST's firefight)on the DS COD:Mobilized. The developers of the other systems seem to be working to the limits of their consoles, with Infinityward on the 360 and PS3, and N-Space on the PC and DS. Lets just hope that this is more then just a port.
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