Three of the arguably best FPS on the Wii discounting Metroid Prime 3. Each for perhaps different reasons. I was going over these three games last night trying to decide which of them I was going to resell. Or if I was even going to do so at all in regards to any of them. So I popped each one in to play for a few minutes. I was surprised to find I was having the most fun with Medal of Honor Heroes 2. Now it's not the most technical advance out of the bunch. The enemy AI is horrible but then again I was playing on easy last night as I wanted to simply see how the games controlled and what the graphics looked like. So the normal and hard AI could be something else. I did miss shooting through things and snap targeting ala Modern Warfare Reflex. While there wasn't any control options the way there was in The Conduit and MWR it still controlled well. The motion controls were a bit iffy such as using both hands to control and shoot the mounted machine guns. I did appreciate the lack of respawning enemies unless you pushed forward. The game isn't as intense as the others when it comes to fire fights but it was very enjoyable. Think it still looks great as well and I'm still annoyed EA refused to follow up on the series on the Wii. I don't play a LOT of FPS so I'm not really sick of the WW2 setting. However I loved the different locations in MoHH2.
I became frustrated at times when playing the other two. The Conduit while having great control just felt so average and inconsistent. I liked the story (I'm a scifi fan even if it is cheesy scifi) but I get the feeling the game overall could have been better served if it was a 3rd person shooter instead of a first person shooter. That might have fit the scifi angle more. I recall playing on normal or easy at one point and I just kept getting waves and waves of enemies. Now I know where they were coming from (the conduits made more sense compared to CoD's respawning enemies out of nowhere) but the way the level was designed it took me far to many tries to get past it. Level design is one of my huge problems with the game outside of it's online issues.
Modern Warfare Reflex while a lot of fun online and technically great is still Call of Duty and certain things about the series can be very annoying single player wise. Respawning enemies unless you move forward for example. That feels really cheap to me. I actually found the squad AI to get in my way more then I liked as well. Didn't get that so much in MoHH2. To be honest I didn't even get that feeling with Call of Duty 3 so maybe that's a Modern Warfare thing. Is it? All things point, outside of the having to push forward thing, that I should enjoy Modern Warfare Reflex more but I actually don't. I'm not sure if I simply like the MoH franchise more then the CoD and don't even realize it or not.
I figure MoHH2 is the one I'll keep. I still haven't done all the difficulty settings on it. Not only that but it's fun to play in Arcade mode when I simply want to shoot things and want to play quickly. Also good to allow others that don't play shooters to a way of playing easily. I don't remember what online was like since it's been so long since I tried it. Is there still a community?
So which one of the three did you have the most fun with? Why?
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