Everyone that plays videogames plays them because he has a reason to his mind for doing this.Someplaythem because they love them,other because they want to spent their time good with them,others because they think it is a way of art and for other reasons.All gamers no matter which reason we play videogames know that there is something more in them that really makes us continue play them.it is something that makes the difference between a good game and a bad game in our minds.it is a feeling we have when we play a game that makes it something we want to remember and something that when we look back at it we know that itis something truly awesome.it is simply a moment we had when playing a game that we can not forget that made this game something real important to our memories and not simply another game.which moment that you had in a videogame do you have in your mind as the best?why is it the best in your mind?which game it was?
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