pft your questions already answered nintendo made geist ,, and metrod and zelda tp which is mature enough,,
you dont like games like that then get a 3-6-0 ,, or ps3 we all know what that systems name stands for , i wont say it and i wont tell u about the quality of the 360 becasue telling you would be already the worst thing i can say about the 360
,,, theres fps games on wii , theres re4 reuc ghost squad , destruction day of crisis , tom clancy series driver , god father manhunt 2 scarface , soon re0 , timesplitters 4 and second sight 2 so why are wee complaining again? or making another thread that askes for mature games on wii again ,, go look stop b eing lazy
heres a big list of m rated software
red steel
man hunt 2
re4 wii edition
re uc
medal of honor(rated t but still) vanguard and heroes 2
call of duty 3 soon call of duty 5
timesplitters 4
driver paralel lines
re0 soon
secondsight 2
jamesbond 2008 title
bully se
zelda tp -rated t
metroid prime 3-rated t
and more to be added/announced at a later time
there now go
hope this helped,
i am reallly sick of these threads wheres the usefull ones
and which games did sell more a t or m rated software
in the past its proven ,
goldeneye sold 8,9 million copies on the top as far as fps go up til halo 3 the first ever to sell 9 million for a m rated fps
gta sold more because theres more of it
but the biggest seller is super mario series why because it is rated e therefore every one is able to go in to a store and buy the game as apposed to gta,, you need an id to buy it now,, thus it doesnt atract more of any audience then a mario zelda metroid james bond anything rated e-t is likey to sell more then those rated m
its obvious why nintndo is and has been success ful they do titles in all ratings giest-m zelda e or t etc
you want more violent games get a console whoms is falling behind reason why ps3 caught 360 this month is because it has like nintendo mroe first party titles available to every one,
in fact go grab your self the latest issue and read this , microsoft gaming studios has left microsoft thats right and ironically they are gonna call their new company , free at last , so all thats left for first party is rare hm wouldnt trust them any more
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