for years we have been playing Zelda games, but which Zelda has the best ending ever?
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Wind Waker defiantly has the most epic ending, don't want to spoil anything but check this picture out to see why.
That had to hurt!
Hey, ocarina of time endingwasn't bad at all. may not have been the best but still pretty good.
And i strongly disagree with majora's mask. the game was not very user friendly( can only save at certain spots and the whole game was timed) and in the end, the whole thingwith the naked, freakish giants holding up the moonwas just stupid.
Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. Those two had much better story than the other ones, and as such had a better ending.
Link to the Past. I loved seeing Link use the power of the triforce to set right everything that had gone wrong. His uncle, the old mans flute son, the priest in sanctuary,and the king being brought back, the sick kid in the village finally getting well, and the master sword set back in its rightful place gave me goosebumps:)
That's easily my favorite. The whole thing including seeing the characters at the end and the music was amazing. LInk's Awakening had the worst. You were floating on a raft in the middle of the ocean after waking up from a dream. That's not happy at all.Link to the Past. I loved seeing Link use the power of the triforce to set right everything that had gone wrong. His uncle, the old mans flute son, the priest in sanctuary,and the king being brought back, the sick kid in the village finally getting well, and the master sword set back in its rightful place gave me goosebumps:)
For me id say ocarina of time, after that awesome final battle the ending definitely gave me a sense of closure.
1st Wind Waker, best ending because it had awesome music, coup de grace of Ganondorf, and conclusion of where it's not really the end just the start of a new adventure.
2nd MM, had a great music, showed the resolution of all the people you help, good conclusion for the hero and "villain", and final fight (Majora is definitely the hardest final boss of any Zelda game, if you don't go in as Fierce Deity)
3rd OoT, good music, Good ending for the G man, conclusion with Zelda and Link are a little meh, the Lon Lon party was AWESOME (had to be there, the Gerudo got into the fermented "potions" and started stri..).Most importantly the ending leaves the story incredibly open to continuation, as seen in the Zelda timeline "theory" (which is ALL it is), it could easily continue with the return of Ganondorf, Link setting sail to a faraway island, or another mishcevious NPC stealing Epona. Technical points to OoT, but Wind Waker has a classic style.
Wind Waker had the best ending by far in my opinion. It is because of that ending that Wind Waker has without a doubt the greatest Zelda tale ever told.
Spoilers: Plus link sticks a freaken sword straight through Ganondorf's forhead and the game still manages an E rating
I would maybe have to say Wind Waker the build up to the the final battle was great and the ending was amazing too.
OOT had the most epic feel of any games ending! I think that was because the game itself was just sooo epic, the ending could probably have been anything. Besides that...I would have to say I enjoyed TPs the most after that. Then maybe MM.
They all had good endings, but mostly A Link to the Past & up. But my favorite was Ocarina of Time,watching Link driving the sword into Ganon, & the seven wise ones sealing him, as he curses Link & Zelda, LOL.
Imo Twilight Princess had the best ending.
Definitely. It was so sad *spoiler alert*
Midna's tear shattering the mirror... wow.
Wind Waker, where else will you see Toon Link drive the Master Sword into Ganondorf's head?
I kinda feel bad for the old man. Kinda how i felt bad for Tom in Tom & Jerry
Yup, WW has the best ending.And I also felt bad for Tom..... but atleast he won a battle or two if I remember correctly...
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