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I think that DS and DS Lites are practically the same apart from a couple of differences!!! Tell me what you think!!!Peach_101
This topic has already been done before for one, You are gaining anything from making a topic like this, their the same... so what??
i still stay with my first DS. See no point on buying a Lite. Its not like it was a huge upgrade, say GBA to GBA:SP. And besides, its easy on the eyes when I play @ night. But the Lite isnt bad, I just dont see the point in buying 1. Tjeremiah1988
 Actually the GBA: SP was an inormous upgrade from the GBA. The lighted screen, chargable battery, and compact size really set the standards for handheld gaming.
I think that DS and DS Lites are practically the same apart from a couple of differences!!! Tell me what you think!!!Peach_101
im only joking they are virtually the same except for the brightness i love how bright the lite  can be. i have mine on the second to brightest setting.
I think that DS and DS Lites are practically the same apart from a couple of differences!!! Tell me what you think!!!Peach_101
rofl no ****
whats the topic in which you want to have a discussion about.
ice is just water!
with a few differencesÂ
Of course they're are the same, Ds lite just has a better design and extra brightness KiLLer_ba
way longer battery life, better stylus.......
DS Lite has a battery that lasts twice as long, and takes half the time to charge. The DS Lite screens can go up to 4X brighter and colors look outstanding.
The DS Lite Mic. is placed in a much more ergonomic posistion, as is the stylus. The Stylus itself is also much larger, only about a few centimeters away from a full sized Palm Pilot Stylus.
The DS Light is of course sleeker, weighs less, and is smaller.
The DS Phat is indestructible. it may end up scared and ugly as a leper, but it will certainly work. The DS Phat also comes standerd with a very nice thumb stylus, which i had to buy extra for my Lite (Makes plaiying metroid MUCH better).
DS Phat has more ergonimicly placed start and pause buttons, and the D-Pad is excellent.
In the end, DS is DS, and it's ALL about the games :DÂ
I think that DS and DS Lites are practically the same apart from a couple of differences!!! Tell me what you think!!!Peach_101This is what people who don't have Lites say.
i used to hate the lite until i got one. lol i said the same thing and i could have started a pointless topic also, but our aunt sent us one and it is way better than the regular DS. I would definitely pick the lite over the dsphat any day and if you have the chance to switch by means of sell or trade, do so (considering the lite is in good condition). games just look so much better on the light; they are brighter with a better resolution. oh and the screen is indeed better on the light. and the stlyus is better.
I think that DS and DS Lites are practically the same apart from a couple of differences!!! Tell me what you think!!!Peach_101
I'm not sure if you got the memo or not, this has been beat to death on these forums. That said, what would you expect from a system (dslite) that is only meant to tweak the DS.... Drum roll please..... They are supposed to be pretty much the same. That's the point. They are the same with minor tweaks.
BUT.... The minor tweaks they did make actually make the system infinately more playable. Â
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