Okay, stupid topic title, everyone does, but anyway, I'm just going to prove it's wrong.
These numbers are from VGchartz. They might not be 100% accurate, but they're the best I can find. If you find any better, I'll switch to them :)
Okay, but on to my real point.
Combined software sales for Wii and DS pr 15th december - worldwide - about 7.2 million. Nintendo sold 4.2 million games. This means that there were 3 million games sold, that were 3rd party, combined for DS and Wii.
The combined software for PsP,Ps3 and Ps2 isis 4 million. Sony has sold 776k games. Which means that they have 3,25 million 3rd party game sales.
Microsoft has with the X360 sold 2,7 million games the last week. 700k of those are from Microsoft. That means 2 million are from 3rd parties.
In total, on all the main platforms the companies have, Nintendo beats Microsoft, but comes second to Sony.
If we divide it by the number of platforms, we get 1,1 mill pr Sony gaming machine, 1,5 pr Nintendo gaming machine and 2 million pr Microsoft machine.
That means, that Nintendo platforms sell aboutas many 3rd party games as Sony and Microsoft ones.
I'm sure I'm going to get wall of text'd here - so don't bother. By doing that you're confirming the fact that you're not really intrested in statistics, and therefore you have no reason to answer.
If you read whole the post, please put an + in front of you're reply.
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