I thought we were friends, guys.
Watch_Dogs is one of the worst optimized ports I've come across on the Wii U. I skipped the PS4 version (and all the holiday deals on it) because I wanted to support my homeboy Nintendo and because I thought the GamePad was a great fit for the hacking features of the game (like DX:HR). I only just bought it yesterday since I had been strapped for cash.
However, Watch_Dogs is a PoS on the Wii U and I had no warning. GameSpot, nor any of my frequented review sites had a review on the Wii U port.
Let this serve as a warning to any potential buyers: It's pretty bad. The game itself is good, but although I've heard horror stories of the PS3 version, it could be its worst on the Wii U. The game looks no better than last gen, it runs like a slideshow, driving controls are extremely laggy, the resolution is sub-HD, the on-screen text is not optimized for the resolution, the pop-in when driving fast is one block away, dynamic lighting is practically non-existent, and the GamePad is barely utilized.
As I was playing the game, I kept thinking of all the ways the GamePad screen could have been used instead of "Look at TV". The lock turning puzzles could have been done intuitively on the touch screen. Camera hacking could have optionally allowed the player to split views and play on both screens simultaneously. What if you could use the ctOS to automatically track a target for you on the bottom screen, changing cameras on its own with its own context hack takedowns while you play normally on the TV? What if highlighting pedestrians could show you their phone screen on your bottom screen? Nothing inventive happens with the GamePad despite the extra 6 months of wait.
W_D on the Wii U is not even close to $60 in value, even if you've never played the game and have nothing else to play that game on. It's sad to see 3rd party publishers speak ill of their sales on Nintendo consoles when they continually drop steaming turds on Ninty owners.
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