Has anyone ventured out of the cousy wii forums we have come to call home? Well I'll tell you what you'll find, Xbox 360 and PS3 forums talking about what games are comming out what they hope is done with the future of the console, what is cool and positives about the console for the most part.
The Nintendo Wii forums is by far burndened with the most amount of critisism threads such as: "Why did I buy this?", "What sucks about the wii and why?", "Howcome there are no good games?", "Wii's online sucks" , "Im selling my wii for a 360" threads. i know this is true for all forums for each console but you'll find by far the most of these console rant forums concerning the wii on the wii forums, on a given day.
Is this how its always going to be? Grow up.
Most of us here dont give a crap, each console has its pros and cons, focusing on the cons makes us forgett about what is good about the Wii. cons + cons + cons + ctrisism + cons...etc = negative atmosphere. The wii has been launched, we all know what it can do and cant do, take it or leave it, there will be NO major dramatic changes to the wii overnight. If your not satisfied with the wii's success i reccomend bottleing up your cristisms that you think nintendo is reading but your fooling yourself cause they dont give a damn and stay tuned for the Super Nintendo 64.
The wii meets all my needs and 1 console per gen is how i role, dont convince me otherwise, your wasteing your time.
STOP putting th CON in CONsole, Grow up.
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