Here's my THEORY... if we have anyone who's got actual smarts on this subject feel free to chime in, but here goes:
Most of the time, WiFi in hotel rooms costs money... usually $10 U.S., which is a complete rip-off if you ask me, given some of the speeds I've observed. You need to get a password for the WiFi from the front desk and yes, they will look at you VERY strange when you walk up to the front desk with a DS... they look at you like that when you have a question about something they should know the answer to, so something this alien is gonna down-right confound them.
You need to confirgure your DS to the WiFi in question (which is handled on each game cart, so on "Metroid" you go under the 'Multiplayer' menu to the 'Configure WiFi'). In some cases when required you need to input a WEP code which is a security code that allows only intended units to access the signal... it's an encryption security step that's designed to keep casual voyeurs from hacking into the system, although it is widely known that such encryption can be broken usually under a minute by software which is widely available. I think (not SURE, but I think) that the $10 charge most hotels institute gets you that WEP code for use on the hotel's wireless network. Coffee shops and airports that offer free wireless for their customers are usually wide-open access points. I'M NOT AN EXPERT, SO PLEASE DON'T QUOTE ME. But I think that's the problem you're facing in your average hotel.
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