1. It gets way more credit then it deserves. Its not really that inovative, its like a mix between the power glove and the old duck hunt guns.
2. Its bringing down the entire idustry imo. now the systems who are actully pushing the limits of technology and trying to making something new are pretty much being told that there losing to the gimic that people who dont play video games can relate to
3. It dosn't work!, this drives me more nuts then anything else. No matter what game I play or how well i set the sensor up or anything, alllllways the pointer will jump around eraticly, or the movements dont register (or really slow), or a simple movement like a twitch works 10x the reall movement as say a full swing.
4. Shaking my hand is not better then a button
5. No online, and even when it does come out, I bet you anything it will suck... why do i say this?.
A) It takes like 5-10 minutes just to connect to the browser, or the store
B) Friend Codes
C) Nintendos first attempt,
6. There is no game that you just chill back in a couch and play, with the wii you are constatly having to make sure your remote is pointing at the tv, and nothing gets in the way. Also for many games if your left hand starts to tilt your screen starts zooming alover the dam place.
Also, dont just say "you probably have only played bad games", I own every game for the wii except maybe 3 or 4
In conclusion, I dont regret buying my Wii, it still can be fun, but for the reasons sateted above, I hate it.
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