Why everybody in USA, Canada, Europe pay about 50 dollars for one game and I in Brazil need to spend 110 american dollars in ONE GAME. How they pretend to sell games here with that price!??!?!? Man i want smg but im too poor to buy
I don't know why,but it's the same for us in Australia, except a little less. Our average wii game price would be $99 which is about $90 US. I guess alot of the time they are $79 as well,but it's still a lot more than NA.
most of the markup in price is from your retailer squeezing as much as they can out of you. There's also the courier and warehouse fees to pay, but after the retail markup most of the cash is made by the publisher and the devs make the least of all
too bad the wii isn't region free.. because then I could import them and including the shipping fees I'd still get it a lot cheaper. not to meantion earlier..
Similar thing happens in Mexico and it gets me on my nerves, but answering your question in 1 word: Capitalism! In more words: Videogames not produced in South America have to be imported (which costs in taxes, transportation and safekeeping). Besides, when you get your price with all those extras, you still have to pay an extra money to the mart or place where you buy. So, summed up you pay your game, plus transportation, plus storing, plus the income of the place where you buy the game.
I live in the the UK and we don't pay $50 dollars for a game, at the current exchange rates we pay $82 (£39.99)fraz1776
I live in the UK aswell and game prices are a rip off. I bought Skate for 360 in Gamestation the day it was released and it was £40 but then the next week it went up to £45.
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