I was able to get a copy of Red Steel for next to free last week, so of course I jumped on it. It was one of my most anticipated titles when the Wii was showcased before its release. By the time I actually got my hands on a Wii the reviews had came and gone, leaving nothing but BAD comments about Red Steel. Thats when I decided its going to stay out of my library until I can scoop it out of a bargain bin.
As of today I feel really stupid not buying this game earlier. I have put a solid 2-3 hours into the game so far I have no NO idea what the complaints are about. The controls are very simple and responsive. I think the quality of the control is right up there with Metroid Prime 3. There isn't 2 dozen button combinations like in CoD:WaW. To be honest, the controls all around rival CoD's. Shake the nunchuck to reload and open doors, hold A to lock on target, and B to fire. Sword fighting is exactly like you think it would be....move the Wiimote accordingly. What else do you need?!?
Gameplay was a pleasent surprise too. It was pretty fresh all around, and the sword fighting element is probably my favorite part. It's no Halo as far as shooters go, but it definately mixes it up just due to the controls. The acting is actually pretty well played, and overall it has a fun story line backing.
Graphics are another pleasent surprise. This game has better graphics than most Wii games to date. It has plenty of low res textures on the walls, but the character models/ filters / effects make up for all of this. It runs very smooth in most parts of the game. I can only recall some hesitation when it was clearly loading. Of anything I'd say the explosions and lighting effects were hands down the most impressive. It was actually a graphical treat in terms of what we currently see on the Wii.
Overall I'd recommend this game to every Wii owner. Don't follow the reviews claiming 'crap controls' and whatnot. Play it yourself and then come talk. As the Wii isn't my console of choice for shooters I'm very poor at control. Even I can play this game with ease. According to reviews CoD:WaW had GREAT controls....and I sucked pretty bad at that no matter how many hours I put into it. Anyway, I'll wrap up my rant here and just say give this game a shot, take the reviews with a LARGE grain of salt.
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