I have my own, but it is WEP-Personal locked. The DSi can connect to it (Browser/store), but not play any games on it. I would use my neighbors to play games, but they are all locked...
I have my own USB drive one. (Got it off eBay for $20 and it's amazing!) For some reason when I password lock it even with an easy passoword like "fffffffffff" it says incorrect password...
My neighbors steal my wi-fi and I hate it. It slows down my connection because the neighbors on either side of me have XBOX 360s that are on and connect as soon as I plug my thing into my computer. that's why I take it out when I don't use it. P:
It's funny though... Nobody around me had wifi (except a ways down the block but I look weird sitting on the curb in front of thier house playing my DS) so I got my own. Now, when I search for an access point 6+ connections come up. most of them are locked except mine (cheese) and the old one I used before (whitehouse). I think those guys living around me decided my connection was unreliable with me unplugging it all the time so they got their own.
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