Just a foreword, I am not a Wii hater. I've bought only Nintendo's systems since I became a gamer (N64, Gamecube, and Wii). I always prefer Nintendo systems over the others. I was one of the only people in the world who actually prefered the Cube over Ps2. I'm happy that the Wii is selling like crazy too. I hope the Wii sells more than the Ps2 did. That said, anyone think that in terms of game quality..the Gamecube has the Wii beat?
The Gamecube was released in Novemeber 18, 2001. 26 months later (January 2004), these games were out for the system...
1). Metroid Prime
2). Eternal Darkness
3). Star Wars Rouge Leader: Rouge Leader II
4). Wind Waker
5). Viewtiful Joe
6). Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
7). Resident Evil (Remake)
8 Pikmin
9). Super Smash Brothers Melee
10). F-Zero GX
11). Soul Calibar II
12). Animal Crossing
13). Resident Evil 0
14) Hitman 2
15) Ikaragua
16) Super Monkey Ball
There were also Mario Sunshine and Star Fox, which could be added to the list...though I personally found Mario Sunshine to be mediocre and I never played Star Fox.
Now the Wii...after 26 months (Today). The games are..
1). Mario Galaxy
2). Super Smash Brothers Melee
3). Zelda: Twilight Princess
4). Okami
5). No More Heroes
6). Super Paper Mario
7). Metroid Prime 3
8 Mario Kart Wii
9) Guitar Hero
10) Boom Blox
Now some games you can argue are Wario Ware, World of Goo, Bully, Trauma Center, and Animal Crossing.
In my opinion, the Gamecube after 26 months was better than the Wii is currently, at 26 months.
The Wii has Smash Brothers Brawl....but the Gamecube had Smash Brothers Melee.
The Wii has Twilight Princess...the Cube had Wind Waker.
the Wii has Metroid Prime 3...the Cube had Metroid Prime (Which was better)
Animal Crossing on the Wii was not as good as Animal Crossing on the Cube.
Then the Cube also had more games, like Resident Evil remake, F-zero, Viewtiful Joe, Eternal Darkness...etc
What do you think?
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