Yup, in Japan there is a channel called everybody's wii channel were you will be able to download play DS demos. This feature is also in Pokemon Battle Revolution, you could "copy" you're pokemon over. I think these two are the onlygame/channelthat utilize that feature.
wow thats pretty awesome...i hope it hits the shores !!red_sovereign
It will. Im not sure if we will ever see another game with ds connectivity. At least none have been confirmed. Its been rumored that the new Animal Crossing will
I think it would be cool to be able to play ds games through the wii on the tv. though having dual screens would be weird to pull of on the tv, im not sure how it'd work but it would be cool. Or just some cables like the PSP to allow people to play it on the tv.
gamecube and gba had awesome compatibility!! the splinter cell version gamecube let u detonate bombs through your gba plus it gave you a killer map of enemies and other trappings!!! well i guess we'll have to wait until the future!!
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