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well do you want a more gameplay oriented console, or graphics/online oriented console
keep in mind the 360 is a lot more money ($400 premium, or $480 for the elite)
i have both, and to tell the truth I play the 360 more
Depends on your game tastes. Remember, it has taken the 360 well over a year to start to get some of
it's big game titles. Give the Wii that same time.
Never sell a gaming system... unless its the dreamcast :(
but really... the Wii has some great stuff coming out that you will miss, but it all comes down to what games do you really want the most! I own both and I play my 360 more right now, but that will all change come this august!
well do you want a more gameplay oriented console, or graphics/online oriented console
keep in mind the 360 is a lot more money ($400 premium, or $480 for the elite)
i have both, and to tell the truth I play the 360 more
same here. far more. in fact, the 360 is actually my casual system of choice thanks to XBLA
Well I'm interested in the upcoming games but that's the thing they're UPCOMING so I don't want to just let the thing just sit there for months and im sorry but i don't read book very often
Sell your Wii? Only a fool would do that....
keep heart, alot of great games are out now, just try some games you would not normally..............
The 360 is ok (i guess............), but all it offers are good graphics and boring mainstream titles............................
I've had a Wii now for about 5 months and It has really lost its appeal to me because its games just don't get me to want to play them and the controller doesn't give me the option of playing video games like I used to (excluding the VC) on the Gamecube so i was thinking about selling my Wii to get a 360 because so far of what I've heard the 360 has some awesome game and since I have an HDTV that works in 1080i and 1080p it would have awesome graphics for me too so I'd like a little opinion on what I should do....LazyLepriconhoneslty xbox 360 games, are at best... short
they have very short attention spans, waaaaay worse than the wii
I know a hardcore microsoft fan, who bought a 360, played it for 2 days and hasn't really touched it since (4 games btw, of which were oblivion and Gears of War)
sadly it just seems to be this generation so far...
Never sell a gaming system... unless its the dreamcast :(
but really... the Wii has some great stuff coming out that you will miss, but it all comes down to what games do you really want the most! I own both and I play my 360 more right now, but that will all change come this august!
yeah dont sell it get a job make money ang then u have both the wii is going to explode this summer with online better games and so on.
Personally I'd look into a ps3 if I were you. I'm not a fan boy or anything (I own all 3 systems) but if you are a little bored with your wii a ps3 could be the ticket. In my opinion it gives you the best of the high definition that you wanted especially with the blu-ray. Its an extra $200 but that way youll have both the simple wii packed with fun and youll enjoy the powerhouse console with all the great festures. You cannot really go wrong with a 360 but I was just saying that the best 360 is 480 then 50 for online so its 530 w/o blu-ray. Also keep your eyes peeled for an 80 gig ps3 that could maybe be coming to North America.
Believe me above poster, blu-ray isn't going to work, HD-DVD is going to win the format war, so if blu-ray loses PS3 will lose.
Oh and please dude........ DONT SELL YOUR WII!!!!!!!!! GET A 360 ITS A WONDERFULL CONSOLE....
i was thinking about selling my Wii to get a 360 because so far of what I've heard the 360 has some awesome game LazyLepricon
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