Next week Mario Strikers Charged comes out and it's gonna be the 1st online game for the Wii I will get or even play. But one thing I wanna know is : is there any communication with your opponent online? Like via Headset or even a keyboard? It's something I've never seen anyone talk about and yeah... I'de just like to know because if you CAN'T communicate it would take away the point of online gaming for me and it would pretty much be the same thing as going against the computer.
for now, there is now way of online communication other than messaging your friends thru the wii message system. maybe in the future there will be some kind of messaging system put in place but for now, your only option is thru the wii message system between your friends on your wii friends list outside of using a phone or something like yahoo or aim or whatnot.
p.s.- if you are gettin mario strikers charged next week like i am then add me as a wii friend and send me your wii friend code and i'll send you my mario strikers code when i get the game next week and vice versa and we can play some if you are up for it. should be fun. my wii friend code is in my sig
I don't care for online chat in regular play. However, I sorely want it for online co-op games. Please release something like this in time for BWii, Nintendo!
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