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Anyone ever tried saving a gamecube game onto your memory card on a wii console and soon realize that the Wii has corrupted it?lastandfinal
Nope, never had that problem.
No, and I've had my memory card wedged in my Wii for about a year.GamerBoy53
lol same here, but i got it removed
now i never play gamecube games on my wii for fear of getting the memory card stuck in it again
Yeah, most third party memory cards are unreliable. I've never had any problems playing GC games on the Wii.
What game were you playing and what kind of memory card did you use?
Haven't had this problem.pcmxms
Holy crap, your sig creeps me out...It's like if someone raped Ms Pacman and she got pregnant...
[QUOTE="DraugenCP"]Yeah, most third party memory cards are unreliable. I've never had any problems playing GC games on the Wii.
What game were you playing and what kind of memory card did you use?
In that case it's probably the memory card. I had a third party memory card reformatting before. Some games just can't take it, such as F-Zero GX.
Well, I have an official 1019 memory card, and my Wii declared someday it was corrupted... Now, all the GC Games I try to save, tell me the Files are corrupted.... And it did the same thing to one of those pelicans cards...
So, whats the matter? Can I play GC games on my Wii, with the price of losing ALL my saves??? :evil:
Not sure if Im so happy now with my Wii... That 1019 had my whole game collection...
Any ideas?
I have the same problem :?Well, I have an official 1019 memory card, and my Wii declared someday it was corrupted... Now, all the GC Games I try to save, tell me the Files are corrupted.... And it did the same thing to one of those pelicans cards...
So, whats the matter? Can I play GC games on my Wii, with the price of losing ALL my saves??? :evil:
Not sure if Im so happy now with my Wii... That 1019 had my whole game collection...
Any ideas?
[QUOTE="ultramalakian"]I have the same problem :? Same here. Plus it won't let me format it so it is useless to me now.Well, I have an official 1019 memory card, and my Wii declared someday it was corrupted... Now, all the GC Games I try to save, tell me the Files are corrupted.... And it did the same thing to one of those pelicans cards...
So, whats the matter? Can I play GC games on my Wii, with the price of losing ALL my saves??? :evil:
Not sure if Im so happy now with my Wii... That 1019 had my whole game collection...
Any ideas?
If you can, try to find a Gamecube to format your memory card, every once and awhile it fixes the problem the Wii cannot.
Other than that, 1019 cards are $18.99 at Gamestop (hint: $5 trade-in) and around $15 at local stores.
I too wish GC memory data could be transferred to the Wii, the horrible block system Nintendo redesigned is hardly an excuse for incompatibility.
Don't use third party memory cards. They are garbage. Pick yourself up a Nintendo brand card.
using a brand called Pelican, was playing zelda tp and after saving the file onto the card, it would no longer work :(lastandfinal
No. Are you sure you don't have a third party memory card?
Edit: You're using a pelican memory card? No wonder. They're one of the worst third party accessory makers out there. Just play it safe and get a proper Nintendo memory card.
I've had the same problem with my 1019 for a while now (not sure if its official or not). So my cousin gave me a crappy 3rd party card he had lying around, but for some bizarre reason it can only store about 50 blocks at a time. So now I have the 1019 in slot B and I have to temporarily copy the save file from whatever game I'm playing to the new card and then tranfer it back when I'm done. It's a very tedious set-up, I must say.
I agree that Ninty should just let us tranfer GC data to the Wii. Not that I'd be able fit much at this point with all my VC games, but it would at least be something. Oh yeah, and bring the Wavebirds back! :x
I've never had a problem with my memory cards going corrupt on me. Sorry to hear that thats your case (if in fact it is your case).
Anyone ever tried saving a gamecube game onto your memory card on a wii console and soon realize that the Wii has corrupted it?lastandfinalWhen I first bought the wii at launch, i bought mvp baseball 2004 and a new memory card....About 1/4 of the way through the season, the card was corrupted, so I knwo what you're talking baout...It sucks, but Nintendo replaced my memory card with a new one since the card was only 3-4 months old....They usu dont do that for accessories and stuff liek that, but they did that one time...
[QUOTE="JuarN18"][QUOTE="ultramalakian"]I have the same problem :? Same here. Plus it won't let me format it so it is useless to me now.Me too.:evil: Stupid Wii! I had to buy a new one that has less blocks. I guess it gives me reason to play through MP, MP2, SC 2, Beach Spikers, WW, and MM over again.Well, I have an official 1019 memory card, and my Wii declared someday it was corrupted... Now, all the GC Games I try to save, tell me the Files are corrupted.... And it did the same thing to one of those pelicans cards...
So, whats the matter? Can I play GC games on my Wii, with the price of losing ALL my saves??? :evil:
Not sure if Im so happy now with my Wii... That 1019 had my whole game collection...
Any ideas?
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