Wii in 2011
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Release Date: 2011
With a focus on making the game more accessible and changing up the forumla, Nintendo's LOZ: Skyward Sword is a change for the series and one that seems to be for the better, releasing sometime in 2011 (assuming early 2011), look forward to this evolution of the series from Nintendo. The game is also MotionPlus enabled, for more accuracy and precision.
Mario Sports Mix
Release Date: 2011
Mario Sports Mix is a new game that's coming out for the Wii. It will feature a variety of sports, like Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey and more.
Conduit 2
Release Date: Q1 2011
Conduit 2 is back and this timeHVSpromises to fix the faults of the first title and provideWiiowners withthe best FPS experience on the platform.
Lost In Shadow
Release Date: Jan 4th, 2011
A platformer with a unique twist, you play a shadow, often in the foreground of the environment
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