I think the next amazing Wii game is going to be the one I'm hyping in my signature. Surprisingly I haven't noticed a lot of people hyping it, so I'm going to talk about why people should be hyping it.
Innovative sound design.
The entire level level design has a very mushroom trippy effect. Not only because everything is enourmous around you, but because the entire level moves in clockwork. The environments make noises that all become part of the musical score. If you want to see it in action there is a video on the front page of Gamespot that talks about sound work. The soundtrack includes four songs composed by Primus bassist Les Claypool.
Good collectables.
When you collect a new item, you can combine it with various other items to construct a new weapon. This makes collecting items very rewarding. I'm guessing that most of them are hidden as secrets around the level that need a little thought or puzzle solving into how to acquire them. The game also features puzzles!
Interesting level design.
Probably not as interesting as the spherical gravity of Super Mario Galaxy but more interesting than most platform games nonetheless. Everything makes a sound that is much deeper than it's real life counterpart to give the impression that you are really small.
Good graphics and physics.
So far the graphics engine looks really pleasing to the eye, and it has an elebits-y physics engine too which I'm guessing plays a role in some of the puzzle solving.
I think Mushroom Men is going to be the next amazing title on the Wii.
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