SNES 1991
N64 1996
Gamecube 2001
Wii 2006
People should start expecting that a new console will be shown this year at one of the major events and then be released next year.
Nintendo has a very solid timeframe when it comes to console releases
Again, for like the 6th time, you're not taking the current economic pressures on the industry into account. I don't get why that's so difficult to understand. The past track record of Nintendo's releases is virtually meaningless. Videogames were a rapidly growing industry then. It hooked the nation, and games like Mario, Zelda, and Final Fantasy became household names. This continued through the 90's, to the mid 2000's, then BAM. Recession.
Another thing you're conveniently forgetting is that yes,those systems were released in the order you said, but information about them was available a lot sooner. We knew about the Wii, or the "Revolution", shortly after the GCN came out. We knew about the GCN, or the "Nintendo Dolphin", shortly after the N64 came out. And you really think Nintendo don't say one word until one year prior to the next system's release? Wow, the naivety.
nintendo could announce it at any time this year, and still have an entire year (or more, depending on when it was announced) to release it in 2011.That's one small part of the arguement though. And even then, it still isn't Nintendo's way. Like Jaysonguy keeps saying, Nintendo may be strict with their release time frames, but they're also just as strict about keep their fans informed. Like I said, we knew a few years in advance about the Dolphin and Revolution, and we all followed any scrap of news fervently. With all of the interviews, gaming mags, gaming sites, and the Wii's own Nintendo Channel, you'd think we would have heard one scrap of info?
The Wii HD possibility has been denied by Nintendo. They aren't interested in that right now. They're still hitting their demographic with the Wii, and they're still raking in the money. They've got Galaxy 2 coming this year, and the next Zelda Wii doesn't even have a solid release quarter yet, much less a solid release possibility this year. Regardless of the "hardcore" gamers who don't like the Wii, it's sitting pretty with nothing but success, and there's no reason to push it aside as long as it remains successful.
And again, there's the economy crisis. You really think a brand new system would be the wisest move at the moment? Unless they can create a powerful next gen console that can compete/outdo the other two at a very, very low price, releasing a console with a ~$500 price tag would doom them to a lot of lost profits. Doesn't make sense? Just ask Sony, they'll tell ya.
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