So the other day my brothers and I were playing SSBM for the GC on the Wii. We had it in vertical position and with wired controllers plugged in. Of course, misfortune of misfortunes, one of us stepped on a GC controller. The rest you can probably imagine; the thing scratched against our DVD player before falling, completely unplugged, to the carpeted floor below. I was in panic, not wanting to see my $250 baby hurt. Well, it worked (so I thought) just fine afterwards. No problem except a couple nasty scratches on the side with the Nintendo logos
Oh, so wrong I was.
Slowly we started realizing that the thing was making a ton of noise. With physical media in it sounded like- well, an X360. The best way to hear the sound is by going to the video of a similar situation here:
It's OK, we thought. Just some noise. Sure, it's supposed to be almost dead silent, but we can handle a bit of noise. Maybe we just didn't pay enough attention before?
Of course, next time we get a look at Wii Sports it's mechanically scratched. Lines etched into the disc are on 1/4 of the disc, going almost in a revolution around the disc's center.
Anyone else have a problem like this? I guess I'll have to get the thing repaired...
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