So, some people have pointed out that wiiware needs demos...and their right. People should be able to try before they buy. And, as much as I would love to see free trials of wiiware games, I just don't see it happening. The problems are:
-No dev is making demos for wiiware right now
-No dev is going to make demos for wiiware unless nintendo forced devs to do it
-If nintendo forced them, that would still leave all current wiiware games without demos
-Nintendo is not about to give anything away for free (come on, it is nintendo)
So, I suggest a more realistic solution, Wii Rent. It would be a new feature through the shop channel via an update. Any game, ANY GAME, Wiiware, VC, whatever...could be bought for 100 wiipoints. After a certain amount of time, the game would be deleted from your system. The amount of time would be decided by the dev. So a game like Lost Winds (which is about 3 hours) would play for like 30min before deleting. A game like Final Fantasy My Life as a King (a 10 hour game) would give you about an hour to play with. When the game deleted, it would have to delete any game data as well to prevent people from cheating the system.
While not as nice as free demos, it would be a more likely thing for nintendo to do.
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