1. There are millions of gamers who consider themeselves hardcore and are Wii owners,
2. and just look at the numbers Galaxy and Brawl both with about 7million in sells, Zelda with near 5million in sells, of course those are the golden franchises but casual gamers wont buy those games.
3.Maybe some would get Galaxy but they wouldnt be getting Brawl and Zelda, so obviously that means among the massive fanbase of the Wii there is a substantial number of hardcore gamers.
The problem is they only buy Nintendo games that are geared to the hardcore, there are enough hardcore gamers to make each hardcore title a million seller. I mean No More Heroes and Medal of Honor combined didnt sell as well as deca sport and there is no reason for that.
and when devs see that they figure why try, so yes I am coming down on the buying behavior of hardcore gamers because their inactivity is what devs are looking at.Sepewrath
im not trying to be rude dividing your post, i just have things that i want to set aside in the post.
1. anybody can consider themselves " hardcore" it doesnt make what they see good or bad THAT much different, everybody has tastes for certain games
2.both mario AND SSBB were advertised quite well, so you cant blame the good sales on the hardcore gamer, even LOZ was advertised a little at launch, and since the system was new, alot of the people who bought wii's saw that and decided to buy that as well. the fact that not alot of casual gamers wanted LOZ caused the lesser sales.
3. once again, the casual gamer will but ANYTHING that appeals to their fancy, they are uneducated, and that doesnt keep them from buying both gold and dirt, they dont know the difference. you cant look at sales and say " hardcore" and " casual" because its a combined effort ALWAYS.
4. neither MOH or NMH was advertised very well, and a sports game really needs NO advertising. people look at that and they see " nice fun family game, just like wii sports but with different things" when they look at MOH they see " guns... and lots of them, and war" and NHM, they see "rated M, with a lightsaber, and red in the background, NOT suitable for my children"
im not trying to kick dirt at your points, just trying to keep the debate going lol, those are good points
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