Anyone else notice how Nintendo is FINALLY starting to roll up VIrtual Console games (now that the system is near extinction?? This week two new Wii Games (Metroid other M, and Excitbots) and a DS game: Fire Emblem. The past few weeks we've seen Majoras Mask, Wario Land, Excitbike 64, Resident Evil, Rhymth Heaven Fever.
In my opinion, this is mainly because they are getting ready to just port these to the switch... but how annoying the company takes 4 years to actually step up and port some of these games. If your a Wii U owner, and plan to get a switch, WHY would you buy it on the Wii U, and potentially not have the game transfer over. It would be nice if nintendo explain this "account" system is supposedly is coming. (Just like gamecube games to the Wii U)
Also, kind of annoying they rarely offer discounts on virtual console games. They try and give away the oddball Eshop stuff that no one wants, but they almost never discount DS or N64 games at 10$ EA. Even after releasing NES Classic, where Nintendo can't keep up with production, yet doesn't discount the 5$ EA VC titles. Wouldn't that at least be a consolation for angry consumers unable to get the product bc nintendo created artificial demand.
Sorry for the rant, but a few observations, and thoughts.
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