I've had my Wii since launch, and I started using WiiConnect24 a short while after, when I got my wifi hooked up. I used to keep it on all of the time, until I read online that WiiConnect24 will overheat your Wii and cause it to malfunction. Reports said that the Wii will just flash some colored pixels on the screen and not boot up, which frankly scares the crap out of me.
I don't usually feel how hot my Wii is, so I decided to check it out the other day. It was hot. Really hot! I disabled WiiConnect24 out of paranoia. What I'm wondering is, will this be Nintendo's next big problem? Will everyone suddenly call in with reports of their Wii dying on them? I don't know, but I'll send an E-Mail in, and hope they don't send me a freakin' automated reply.
I'll keep you updated.
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