It might be a little too early to say, but I'm starting to get that sinking feeling from Nintendo again. I really thought this generation would be the one where they change their strategies, but it looks as if the Wii s repeating the mistakes of the N64 and Gamecube.
- No online yet...every third party EA sports game should have had an online component by now. Nintendo has only announced Pokemon Battle Revolution as an online title. That's good if you're one of the 10 gamers over the age of 15 that likes Pokemon.
- Third parties aren't making mone on Wii software sales. If this trend keeps up, third party developers are going to drop support for the Wii just like they did for Gamecube.
- Big titles are being pushed back too far. At E3 2006, Super Mario Galaxy and Metriod Prime 3 looked almost done. Both should have been out by now, if not at least one of them. Nintendo seems to be strategically spacing titles out because it doesn't have enough of them. Super Paper Mario and Fire Emblem don't count......they were once Gamecube games.
Don't get me wrong, I like the Wii and I think it has the most potential of all the next generation consoles. But these trends can't be ignored....
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