I just read the interview with Iwata on ign. http://wii.ign.com/articles/784/784065p1.html
One of the points he raised is that the new Metriod Prime would prove that the wiimote is "being rated close to the keyboard and mouse control that's the standard for PC games".
This point caught my eyes and I think mimicing a mouse with the wiimote is absolutely horrible. So far, no shooting game has made a good aiming, shooting, and force feed back system on wii with the wiimote, why? Because every freaking developer tried in someway to make the Wiimote to act like a mouse. (One great example is the call of duty game on wii, the aiming is horrible)
What the developers failed to realize is that, a mouse is used in shooting games to mimic the real aiming with guns, a mouse isn't in anyway like guns.
Wiimote however is a lot more like guns than a mouse. So while a mouse can only mildly mimic guns, Wiimote can replicate guns in their true essense.
So why the hell would, and should wiimote mimic a mouse in shooting games?!
Think about it, wiimote can mimic force feedback of firing different guns, (which a mouse can't), it can mimic a greater degree and ways of aiming a real gun (which a mouse can't either), it can also provide more reality of wielding a gun. (which a mouse can't)
So I dare to say, if a wii shooting game's control is just like a PC shooting game's control, then the game's gameplay won't be so revolutionary as to what wii tennis (or wii golf) type of game would be. And if the wii game's gameplay isn't any different from the PC game's gameplay (in term of how it feels in controlling, aiming and firing a gun), why would people want to play it on the graphically infereior wii?
For example, I have a virtual tennis 5 on PS3, and a wii tennis on Wii. I play both games because the wii tennis plays so different from (and actually much more fun than) the virtual tennis. Now, if the Wii has a call of duty game that has magnificant gun play, I would play it too. But right now, I won't play the call of duty on wii, rather I play it on my PC.
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