not anytime in the near future, but itll probabley take the path of the GBA when it does, just slowy dying off, but still staying popular, untill a new system replaces it.
Seeing as how the PSP, despite Sony's best efforts, failed to dethrone Nintendo from the top of itshandheld throne, I'll say probably not. The big thing with the DS is it's a good choice for parents to get their kids. I can go anywhere and see kids with DSs and only see a PSP once in a while and I do agree that like the GBA it will still be around even after the next handheld is introduced.
As long as quality software like Phantom Hourglass and FF: Crystal Chronicles keeps appearing on the DS, there won't be anything to worry about for the next 2 years. I'm sure that Nintendo will unveil a new handheld in 2009, though.
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