Cartidges where the iconic medium for games back in the day. The N64 was the last system to hold on to the classic form of game medium. Now everything uses discs.
But as discs progress with technology, so do things like flash memory. Now days you can buy a 1gig usb flash drive for around 20-30 bucks. SD cards are getting better and cheaper as time goes on, too.
Perhaps in time, say another ten years or so, we'll be slamming catridges into our consoles, just like the old days. Flash memory seems superior to discs any way. Discs can get scratched and disc drives can easily be busted. With a flashdrive system there would be no delicate moving parts that could get missaligned or broken and cartridgesare much more durable than a disc.
I personally think it's only a matter of time before consoles go back to using a cartridge type medium. Heck, I think it's only a matter of time before all storage medium becomes more like flash memory.
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