[QUOTE="thattotally"] BEST: all of the aforementioned awsome games that are, simply put, awsome.
WORST: waiting quite a bit of time for the 10 games for the DS that are must-haves, and any games after them (such as potential sequels and whatnot, ask me to elaborate on what these games are, and I'll be more than happy to)
Get a couple of RPGs (D/P, FFII, TWEWY) and you'll fine
BEST: Lot's of great games
Worst: My hand experineces lots of pain when I'm playing a game that requires me to hold the system with one hand and the stylus in the other.
um... he-llo? I already have those games (I hope TWEWY lasts long enough until my purchase of FF 4) and as for D/P... well I've grown out of pokemon really, though I might reconsider with the release of Platinum, if there's enough incentive.
anyway, if you must know, some of the games of the top of my head that I'd view as must-haves:
1. Final Fantasy IV
2. Dragon Quest IV
3. Dragon Quest V
4. Dragon Quest VI
5. Dragon Quest IX
6. Kingdom Hearts: 356/2 days (or whatever the obscure name is called)
7. Kirby Superstar... something (I know nothing of the game, only that I'll be getting it)
8. Chrono Trigger
9. Sonic rpg which could possibly be interesting
10. The aforementioned Pokemon Platinum (which I'm rather iffy about)
other than that, the rest would pretty much be sequels to existing games, such as a new mario or zelda, the next installment in the Ace Attorney Series, as well as the next game in starring Professor Layton
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