soooooo what do you guys think are some of the ABSOLUTE WORST DS games out there ,here are my 3
1.King Kong
2.Godzilla unleashed double slam
3.Deal Or No Deal
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I say Assassin's Creed as well. Crappy plot, crappy framerate, crappy combat and way too short. There are many worse games out there, but this is the worst one I've played.
A mockery to the greatness that was the original console version. I guess that's what I get for buying a game developed by GameLoft.
Im gonna say the games that were suppose to be good but IMO sucked.
1.) Lunar Knights (it was okay, but way overrated)
2.) DQMJ (It had to much grinding but its good other than that, I like Cobie's Adventure better though)
3.) DK Jungle Climber (I just didnt like it found it annoying)
Heh.Ppl are posting games I really liked like DQMJ, Pokemon and MetroidElpio_Brazil
lol, I just posted DQMJ cause I was hyping it for a really long time, and was dissappointed by it and its grindfest. I wanted it to be more like DQM2 but it wasn't. I was just picking some of the games that were suppose to be good and werent (imo), not the worst of all the games like elf bowling.
I say Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon.....there all the same garbage just a flashier package, grow up a old is Pokemon...arent they running out of this crap,...and u ppl are retards, assassins creed is a good game for ds i give it a solid 8.0, its a basic platformer with some neat mechanics.. its not supose to be anythong similar to the consoles, the graphix aren't that great but dont just look at the graphix, open yur minds a little, i bet if the ds one came out be4 the console one, yur opinions wud be changed, graphix arent anything . U ppl make me sick.
you're funny :lol:
sorry if i offend anyone with that list... i just havent played any REALLY bad games because...well...i just know better. (have you really invested $ into such awful games? deal or no deal?!? i find it odd that a true 'gamer' would even open that game, let alone play it. i cant help but think that some of you went to the gamespot ds ranking list and started from the bottom least i hope you did...)
back to my list though. i really thought those three were horrible. just utter disappointments.
Your taking this way too serious. Also someone could get offended about what you said about Pokemon just as you got offended about someone's opinion about Assassins Creed.I say Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon.....there all the same garbage just a flashier package, grow up a old is Pokemon...arent they running out of this crap,...and u ppl are retards, assassins creed is a good game for ds i give it a solid 8.0, its a basic platformer with some neat mechanics.. its not supose to be anythong similar to the consoles, the graphix aren't that great but dont just look at the graphix, open yur minds a little, i bet if the ds one came out be4 the console one, yur opinions wud be changed, graphix arent anything . U ppl make me sick.
- starfox
- ff3
- call of duty: modern warfare
sorry if i offend anyone with that list... i just havent played any REALLY bad games because...well...i just know better. (have you really invested $ into such awful games? deal or no deal?!? i find it odd that a true 'gamer' would even open that game, let alone play it. i cant help but think that some of you went to the gamespot ds ranking list and started from the bottom least i hope you did...)
back to my list though. i really thought those three were horrible. just utter disappointments.
what didnt you like about starfox? Just wondering cause I'm on the edge about getting this game. At first I wanted, then I didn't, then I did, then I didn't. lol.
To the anti-pokemon ranter, CHILL. This is a place where we're all entitled to our own opinions and if someone likes Pokemon, then let them like Pokemon. If people don't like Asassin's Creed, let them not like it.
My personal peeves:
-Luminous Arc (HOMG, BAD idea.)
-Rune Factory. The graphics put me off, honestly. I don't like how these dead eye styles are getting popular
-Harry Potter Goblet of Fire. I tried it out on a friend's DS and thought it got repetitive and tedious, VERY FAST.
what didnt you like about starfox? Just wondering cause I'm on the edge about getting this game. At first I wanted, then I didn't, then I did, then I didn't. lol.
well you use the stylus to move, and i thought it was one of those games where nintendo incorporated the use of the stylus and touch screen simply because it was available--not because it was beneficial. its hard to see what youre doing with your hand in the way the whole time.
well you use the stylus to move, and i thought it was one of those games where nintendo incorporated the use of the stylus and touch screen simply because it was available--not because it was beneficial. its hard to see what youre doing with your hand in the way the whole time.wagepeace
alright cool thanks.
By far the worst game created for the DS, phantom hourglass......... j/k
in actuallity it is, Yoshi Touch & Go
By far the worst game created for the DS, phantom hourglass......... j/k
in actuallity it is, Yoshi Touch & Go
you know i might catch a lot of 'you-know-what' for this comment, but...
i would venture to put phantom hourglass in the top ten....
it LOOKS good, and yeah..some of the stylus controls are pretty sweet, but after that...?!? its really not that good...and thats coming from someone who LOVES the zelda series.
Okay here's my worst games:
3) My Sims - BORING! Not worth the 20bucks at all.
2) King Kong - More like King Krap.
1) Elf Bowling 1&2 - ...Did they seriously think people would buy this game!? (I rented it)
Heck I enjoyed "Sprung" more than any of these games! My sims may be better than Pin Pals but I never played PP so I would'nt know.
To the anti-pokemon ranter, CHILL. This is a place where we're all entitled to our own opinions and if someone likes Pokemon, then let them like Pokemon. If people don't like Asassin's Creed, let them not like it.
My personal peeves:
-Luminous Arc (HOMG, BAD idea.)
-Rune Factory. The graphics put me off, honestly. I don't like how these dead eye styles are getting popular
-Harry Potter Goblet of Fire. I tried it out on a friend's DS and thought it got repetitive and tedious, VERY FAST.
I'm right there with you with luminous arc. I'm SO STUPID to buy that games
I only have 3 ds games and two of them are amazing but the third one that my friend gave it to me for free and which is just uninteresting and boreing was Yugiyo Nightmare Troubler that was just a really sh!t game!
Maybe cause i dont like card battle games!:P
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