Ok, keep titles like Ninja Bread Man and any Ubisoft game with the letter Z in them. I would like to know what peoples thoughts are on the topic. As I said before, keep the shovelware out, but everyone has their own opinion on shovelware so I'll name mine...
Alone in the Dark - The only half decent thing about this game is the music score and the VO isn't bad. Other than that, it has the worst controls, invisible walls, awful graphics and gameplay. I bought it for $10 and played about 30 minutes worth. I would of played less but I was trying to find something in this garbage. Quite possibly the worst $10 I have ever spent on a game and I've been playing video games since the COLECOVISION.
No More Heroes - NMH had some cool character and dialog, the gameplay with the sword was pretty fun, but I thought the rest of the game was kinda half baked. Buying shirts (which was really just a pallet change) wasn't interesting, the jobs weren't much fun and why would you go around picking up coconuts for cash?? The hub world should not have even of been there, there's nothing to do in it but drive from A to B with nothing happening in between. The game designers should of just let the players pick where he wants to go instead of driving around in an empty boring hub world. I know it sounds like a crappy concept but no better than their hub world is pointless and time consuming.
MadWorld - Madworld has alot going for it, but the gameplay here is my biggest problem. I don't think I quite understood it. I found it hard and frustrating to get massive combos, all I could muster were crappy combos that barely got me any points. But that's probably just me as I know others on here love this game. And it seems for a few stages, I would get to the end boss almost without leaving the spot where I was and just waiting for baddies to run up to me. I preffered this game over NMH, but I couldn't get a grasp of the gameplay elements.
The Conduit - Sales are picking up on this game so I'm quite happy. A few things I didn't like... Trying to connect to a game took forever and when you did, most of the time in my case, I was stuck with only my hud and a black screen with only the sound of gunfire coming from the speakers. The main character's dialog wasn't interesting and there were a few glitches in the game which I forget what they were. :) But I absolutely loved the controls, the weapons, graphics, pacing were all excellent. Played through the game twice in a few short months which is more than I did with Call of Duty: World at War (X360).
Anyways, don't hate me for hating on NMH and Madworld. I guess I'm a little bitter over the fact that I'm a loyal Wii owner who spent full price on those 2 games at launch and didn't get much enjoyment out of them.
Let me know what you think!
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