I am deciding on if I should actually get the DSi. It would be my first Nintendo Hanheld since the GameBoy SP. However I can not decide.
I have read gamestop reviews, IGN reviews, 1 up reviews, and several forums but still need help.
I keep hearing all these positive reactions to the hanheld but I can not decide for my self. Nintendo games have always been more child friendly. And I have grown out of the Pokemon craze long long long ago. And am now able to (and enjoy) playing M games. I have not seen many games on the DS/DSi that interest me.
GTA China town wars interests me however the playability (how easy it is to control and how fun to play) I am doubting.
I am also looking at the graphics of the system which are not the most supperior or best in the category of hand held consoles. I had a PSP 1001 but sold it on ebay becuase their were limited games.
So my question is this. Is it worth the nearly $180. Are there games that are fun other than games such as Ninten Dog/Catz (aka G rated games as most of the Wii Games are). Are the graphics atleast some what ABOVE decent standards? Is the console fun overall? Replies that can give some support to their answers would be very helpful (I dont mind the "yes its great" or comment that has nothing to explain why its great but that does not help me very much as $180 in this current day is alot considering many no longer have the oprotunity to spend that much).
What I am considering when I look at the console:
* Type of games (wheter the majority is G rated or E-M rated, their playability, there general fun, etc)
* # of games and # that are expected to come out
* Graphics
* Price
* How long until it is replaced by a more advanced console (including compettior's)
* Features
* Overall general fun.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
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