I got to thinking that I should make videos to review VC games and say if you should spend your wii points on them or not. Like post up these videos that are about 8 minutes long describing one VC game. I have many VC games, and if I did do this project it would be called "VC What You Should Buy". I'd use filming equipment like, Panasonic DVX100 and Final Cut Pro so it'll look high quality. If I did make a series of videos like this, would you watch them? Thanks on your opinion.
not to shoot down your idea(I'm always supportive of any indie film devs/amateur directors) but I would probably not watch it if you reviewed VC games. Simply because, VC games are old, and they've been reviewed a million times probably(albeit, the old versions, but VC versions dont upgrade them too much). That being said, I would most definitely watch a, say, weekly/bi-weekly show reviewing games(as I value the opinions of fellow gamers more than I do Gamespot/G4. If you actually reviewed Wii games, not the VC. But yea, it's an overdone thing(reviewing games in videos) but if you can put an artistic flare or a bit of originality, then you could do well. Good luck. PM me with your thoughts and such if you're gonna do it.
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