[QUOTE="Cyber-"][QUOTE="gtarmanrob"][QUOTE="Cyber-"][QUOTE="gtarmanrob"][QUOTE="Cyber-"][QUOTE="acsguitar"] I'm an avid PC gamer first off and this is how I see it.
Wii= Fun active party games
First Person Shooters are games that usually push graphical boundries. For me metroid looks like a PC game from 7 years ago.
Maybe thats why you don't like the graphics.
Well avid PC gamer, I am a PC gamer as well and as such I know when i see quality. Not only is the artistic vew better than most PC games or any games for that matter but it still has good framrates and respectable textures. Also the controls are almost unfounded on consoles. Not to mention this ISNt A FPS but an Adventure game. If you are that much of a graphics whore that you are willing to overllok all the awsome things about these games just because the graphics are not as good as some other games is just pathetic.
If you think all of this stuff and that wii is for fun active party games then you really need to reevaluate how you look at games.
well IM ALSO an avid PC Gamer...and he made a good point. whats with the attack, he hurt your Nintendo Wii pride??
sure there may have been a bit of an exageration on his part by saying MP3 looks as good as FPS games from 7 years ago, but he was making a point. being a PC gamer that plays mostly FPS (such as myself) MP3's graphics do not compare in any way.
and if you say its an adventure class game, fine. that doesnt remove the FPS elements of the game. he wasnt comparing game styles he was comparing graphics.
i also agree with him in that the Nintendo Wii is more for fun active party games. it also has some great single-player experiences sure, but its more designed to please a party of people than a loner playing on his own the whole time.
YOU dont seem like much of a PC gamer at all, after the first line of your reply. the 'artistic view'? i assume you meant the concept of the game? sure its innovative and all that, but only because of the interactivity of the Wii. throw MP3 on any other console with those graphics and identical gameplay, and lose the function of the Wii remote, left only to aim and search with a gamepad, and i bet you it would lose a very large fanbase. im talking only Mp3 here Metroid fans.
sure the game has 'respectable' textures and good framerates, that and any other console game, given most are desgined to synchronise a constant 60fps...but in not way does it come close to current PC FPS shooters, or adventure games for that matter.
dont get me wrong, i love MP3, i've been occupied with other games to go back to it, but i've been playing FPS games since Wolf 3D on PC, so I DO know what good graphics look like, and how to respect each games offerings.
dont attack somebody's opinion with blatant fanboy disregard ok? coz you'll get it back tenfold, left with nothing else to say.
Wow with all you said that is so incorrect, you think I have nothing else to say?
I wasnt atttacking him, I dont know where you got that?
Anyway, I never said he did not make a good point. Making a good point does not excuse his overall sentiment. The game does not look 7 years old that is for sure. I know that MP3 is not on the cusp on of visual design. No one said it was, nor does it have to be to be a fantastic game. It has some of the best adventure elemtns I have seen in years. What adventure games rival it? Games that are considered extremely high quality.
Labeling Wii as merely a fun party game system is foolish and untrue. If anything the games that sell and score the best are games like MP3, SMG, RE4, and RE: UC. If anything Wii is possible for all types of games that doesnt mean its main focus is party games, it just shows you and him are resorting to overused fanboy hate statememnts about the Wii.
Wow you just showed us a very sad aspect about PC gaming and its fanbase..... Yes I am a PC gamer, but I am not such a rampant fanboy that I would resort to mimicing and forgetting that a big aspect which PC games lack is artistic focus. PC gaming is so far ahead on the technical front I think devs often for get the artistic draw that amkes a huge difference. You showed everyone here that its true. If you dont know what artistic value coems along with MP3 thats pretty sad. MP3 shows us a side to gaming that is rarely seen.
The game does not necessarily need to compare with other games. Would it be better, OBVIOUSLY. But the game is so well done on so many fronts its easy to forgive it and appreciate it for what it is.
I can appreciate MP3 more for its interactivity and level of control which truly make a difference over the dual analog. Like many games Metroid Prime had to compensate for its limited controls in a huge 3d world, so auto aim and no free aim with out holding L was a pain. Then MP3 comes along and destroys all of these notions and even adds more moves and control over your environment. MP3 would be less exciting on a regular gamepad, thats what maks it so perfect for wii.....
Again I am not trying to compare this technically to the power of the PC games but it doesnt look "ugly" and still looks nice not to mention has beatiful artistic outlook with lush environments and stylized architecture.
Again I dont know why you are mention FPS games when MP are adevnture games, if your sad that its not a FPS cry me a river. The fact remains this is a front runner on awsome games this year and what you or your little friend haave to say have not negated that idea.
lol now what are you on about my friend?
the arguement was about the visuals AKA graphics of MP3. no where did we indicate gameplay elements.i stuck up for him by backing the fact that visually MP3 does look good...for Wii. that doesnt make the graphics outstanding. most PC games dominate the visuals. and you clearly havnt been playing any PC games lately if you feel the 'artistic approach' is failing.
and before you label me a fanboy (bit hipcritical of you i might add) i've been playing PC games as long as i remember, and i also currently own and play a Wii and a PS3. so my games approach and appreciation allows for a very broad approach. plus i have a lot of gaming experience.
how did i make an example to this forum about PC game fans? because i dont agree with you. seems like your just casting a line, waiting for die-hard fans to come back you up. i dont dislike MP3, nor do i consider it a failure or bad game in any way. i dont even dislike the visuals, they are very impressive. for the Wii. and the game itself is very interesting and well thought out. very artisitic, as you would put.
graphically/visually,it does not compare to PC Games. nor will it or any Wii games. Wii games arnt about graphics anyway.as i said in my response, yes he was exageratting with the whole 7 year thing, but only just. the visuals do not really compare. if you disagree, you either havnt played many PC games (from 2000 on), or your computer has never been good enough to run them at their fullest so you havnt experienced the game visuals in their entirety.
and i didnt label the Wii as 'merely' a fun party game...i just stated that in my opinion, that is one of the main purposes of the system. in fact, isnt that the main purpose of any console system? to provide fun for more than 1 or 2 players? PC's are the loner's approach to gaming, with multi-player really only being readily available via online, something that isnt every gamer's cup of tea. its much easier and more fun for 2+ people to be in the same room playing at the same time, having a laugh or getting drunk and playing Wii Sports.
dude, im not trying to have a direct go and start a war with you...but you cant make a statement/argument labelling someone a fanboy and back it up with fanboy retorts. you stated that MP3 would 'obviously' be better than any PC Game? haha come on. i appreciate that its your opinion and you may like it more than other games you played..that doesnt make it lore.
we may as well leave the argument hear, your not gonna get anywhere with me im afraid.my discussion was only ever about the visuals in comparison, thats the only point he and i were making. im not saying they are bad, not in the slightest. the game is awesome none-the-less. leave it there.
When did I say MP3 compared to current top games????? Quote me and Ill fix it???? PC games are far beyond consoles in the graphics front. I am not even rguing tis where are you getting this? If you mean artistic design then you obviously dont evenknow what that means because you keep equating it with a different subject. The fact is its not a big focus on PC games, its a fact that they are more focused on the technical design. How do you confuse this?
You can give me those backhanded insults such as a fanboy but I am not. If I think MP3 is a certain way, I give reasons why. I dont insult the person I am talking to try and prove my point without even addressing the pointwhich is what you are doing.
You have shown me that artistic look of a game is not a big deal, a recurring thought in many die hard PC gamers. Its not necessarily a bad thing, but when you are looking at a game like MP3 you have to. I dont expect anyone to back me up, in fact I can count the number of times I have been backed up by other GS users. Stop acting like I am appealing to the crowd and you are bringing this "progressive" new idea to us "dark age" wii fans. LMAO its hilarious.
Did I ever say it compared to current PC games??????? If I did quote me and I will take it back because it was an accident that I wrote it down. I hope you will get this at some point. As I said MP3 is awsome in its own right, it rivals with the best games out there not because of its visuals but everything else. If you are trying to say 7 year old PC games look better than the best looking Wii games, then I am done talking with you. I have a very good computor and I know where it stands in this race.
Your opinion and what is really on the Wii is appearantly two very different things. Esp. when you confuse "party" games. party games are Raymen Raving Rabbids and Mario Party. Mario Strikers Charged, SSBB, RS all have 4 player action but they are not party games. Its not the main purpose of consoles but its definitely a 1up for consoles. WHat you guys made it sound like was the over used insult about the wii that it is so overused that Wii games ar ejust party kiddie crap (mario party and raving rabbids).
What I am saying is how it is, its not fanboy retort, if anything the guy who discredited MP3 just because of its graphics is the fanboy. If you cant look at the overall view of a game, then who is the faboy?
I never expected to change your mind, I dont expect that with anyone around here. The fact that you said you wont change your mind is just proof of what I already thought about you. I would be willing to admit I was wrong if you had anything viable to say. But you just repeated doznes of times that I was a fanboy for thinking MP3 compared in graphics to current day PC games, which I never believed. SO I would have to say you need to rethink what you say before you want to go on a really long rant because most of what you said was untrue or words you stuck in my mouth.
lol you still dont understand man...i was only ever talking about graphics, as was he. why must we keep taking this into gameplay elements? what i was saying, my point all along, was about visuals and graphics ONLY. ONLY. no where did i make a remark about how that affects the game as a whole, nor did i say or imply it brought the game down in any way. are you reading through every thing i say and analysing it all correctly?and i only made mention of current games as a comparison because 1- i thought thats where you may of been heading withe the comment about good textures and decent framerates, implying todays PC games lack both (which in some cases is true ;) )and 2-MP3 is current-generation gaming i was using the same era as apoint for argument. i wouldnt on any other day ever make that comparisonas a basis of argumentcoz VISUALS ONLY MP3 just does not compare to PC. that was never the point or the argument. nor did i ever put it forward in force. misunderstanding there. i apologise.
and not once did i ever directlycall you a fanboy, let alone a dozen times. i accused some of your remarks as having fanboy tendancies, because that is how they honestly came across, from my point of view. if that offended you, i apologise. but in all honesty that is how they appeared.
we've obviously gotten off on the wrong foot. i do however need you to clarify what it is exactly that you mean by "artistic look or design" ? my understanding of an artistic look or approach to gaming involves the concept of the game. the environment, the sounds, the gameplay, the visuals included in there, the characters, the story...is that what you mean by artistic? coz then we are both talking about the same thing and different things. i refer to those elements as a general concept of the game. i could have that wrong. and i disagree that PC games are lacking, sure they may lack more than some console games, both Wii and other consoles, but that does not mean those elements are no longer present. not to me anyway, otherwise i would sell up my $4000 PC and become a full time console user. again, my only argument i was making was that the original poster who you quoted made a valid point that MP3 does not compare visually to most PC Games, but we can both agree he was exageratting or being ignorant for stating games 7 years old, although i believe he only said that to make a point. your remark appeared as an attack from my point of view so i backed him up. nothing more.
by saying you werent getting anywhere with me, i was implying you werent getting my point and to just let the argument be. i see now this is pretty much a simple misunderstanding. im not insulting your intelligence and i appreciate you havnt attempted to insult mine.
ok, i admit i coined the term party games wrong. i was using the term party games as a means of implying the Wii is more suited for multi-player with a 'party' of people around. for example Wii Sports. i did not mean the Wii was only good for playing those party-games such as Mario Party and the rest. i think you misunderstood me there. maybe i could have been clearer on that.
so firstly, i would like to apologise for hi-jacking this thread and helping to turn it into a flame war. and secondly, i think i owe yourself an apology for the grave misunderstanding. i dont retract or take back anything i said, i feel in a way we are both on the same side, arguing different points with each other, to no avail.
I understnad that your defending the statement that MP3 does not look as good as current PC games. I dont understand where i made fanboy statements esp when I never said that MP3 compared technically to PC games. When I said MP3 still ha da good framrate and textures that was just saying it still paid attention to technical design (Retro has said they could have worked more on the graphics but Metroid fanboys kept complaining). I responded to someone who was obviously saying this game was not worth playing because it did not look like PC games and then went even further to say that Wii is only good for party games. Both are common tactics overly used by wii haters. I am not saying that was you but that was what he gave unless he says otherwise.
Artistic design, I guess I can sum it best with looking at Okami. Though its not the same style as Okami MP3 utilizes amazing artistic design, paying attention to details most games do not focus on. PC games usually dont focus on this even though there are some amazing looking games. For some people artistic look is more important than textures and framerates.
I think every system has its shortcomings. PC is an amzing platform that always tries to close those shortcomings and has so many advantages over the other systems, but it still has negatives. Dont say I am a fanboy because i can go on for pages on the positives of the PC. The PC lacks in fighters, rpgs, platformers, action, adventure, arguably racers, sports, and party games (lol not a big loss). Everything else is locked in PC. Also those genres that the pC does own require very expensive gaming machines.
Anyway I wasnt saying MP3 compared to current PC games, but it was not ugly andmost Wii games are not party games. these are the things i was arguing with the original dude. He made it seem like MP3 was even worth playing just because it did not have the graphics of some of thr top of the line PC games. He was wrong in thinking MP3 is not a front runner in this years awsome games.
Other than that this whole thing was a series of misunderstandning. also I am not used to talking to polite people which is what you are. anyways its not a flame war its called discussion theres nothing wrong with it.
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