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#1 dazzzilla
Member since 2006 • 1246 Posts

Hey I just read that there will be WPA in special DSI games, but what does that mean :S?, for eg say a DS game comes out in 3 months, will that game be enabled to use WPA on the DSI? because this is a real hassle seeing that every system but the DS seems to be able to use WPA not to mention WEP was outdated by 2000 and this is a system designed in 04 :S, but I cant change the fact so I need some help finding out what these games are, atm im thinking DSI store games only :S? im already dissapointed with the fact that Pokemon Platinum couldnt include a special DSI WPA mode not the old WEP.

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#2 dazzzilla
Member since 2006 • 1246 Posts

anyone know anything about these DSI WPA games?

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#3 MisterG333
Member since 2007 • 741 Posts

it works for me. They have 3 advanced slots for saving wifi spots, which are for me WPA.

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#4 dazzzilla
Member since 2006 • 1246 Posts

no not that, i know you can use WPA even WPA2 on the DSI, but im asking as of now all DS games that use online MUST be played online using WEP as the old DS hardware only allows WEP, so the question has there been any confirmation that ANY upcomming DS games will support the WPA mode so you can play with the DSI online using WPA and not WEP?, I understand they said that all "DSI" games will have WPA but what is meant by the DSI games, seeing that the primary DSI games are DS cards, is it WPA only for online DSI ware tittles?

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#5 giga_yeti
Member since 2008 • 313 Posts

no not that, i know you can use WPA even WPA2 on the DSI, but im asking as of now all DS games that use online MUST be played online using WEP as the old DS hardware only allows WEP, so the question has there been any confirmation that ANY upcomming DS games will support the WPA mode so you can play with the DSI online using WPA and not WEP?, I understand they said that all "DSI" games will have WPA but what is meant by the DSI games, seeing that the primary DSI games are DS cards, is it WPA only for online DSI ware tittles?

It is only for DSI Ware
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#6 baber0015
Member since 2009 • 83 Posts
There will be DSi Games and DSi Enhanced games starting to be released. I think I might have them mixed around, but I think DSi Enhanced games can be played on DS, but DSi games can only be played on DSi systems. Those games will be the ones with WPA/WPA2 enabled. Until then its WEP only.
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#7 PsiPhiTy1
Member since 2009 • 49 Posts

Not to sounmd like a wise guy here but it won't affect your playing of your DS games against a DSi if that's what you're worried about... it MAY affect how you're accessing the net though, mihgt need a newer dongle or wireless router. The DSi will be upgraded through its firmware to take advantage of this newer 802.11i protocol. DSi is not the only piece of hardware out there that will be affected though.

Those contraptions (some cell phones and other gadgets) that are not upgradable through firmware will become dated quickly. The newer DSi games will be written with this in mind so that the old DS games will still be able to play against the DSi, and the newer DSi games that use this protocal will simply interact differently between cart, game and wireless router, not from DS to DSi though.

Does it shorten the interactivity between the DS and DSi, yes but not soon enough that you will notice. By the time they no longer interact, the next console will long be released and in your hands. But the days of games being useful (like the GBA carts are today) for years later, is gone. shortly after the Nintendo servers stops serving games via online servers, you'll losehalf the abilty that the cartwas bought for.

In other words, you ability and time limit in playing that 'online game' is limited by how long Nintendo want sto keep those servers running and service the older software. My guess is not long. We're all clammoring for games that have online, but those same games will be outdated much shorter time than the previous games from gameboy. The single player mode will be the only usable aspect of those games once NIntendo stops having the service available onine. That online for DSi games AND DS games is a double edge sword. With each new gaming trait(such as online potential)comes a deficit or method to control the life of that game. The more dependant it is for online support? via servers, the shorter the life of the game... period, as far as big N is concerned. The new games won't last forever like the GBA games are. That means more money and sales for them, rather than you reselling your games and them losing money, your games will simply have a limited life as far sa the online usage is concerned. IMO very limited.

Right now I'm playing games from 20 years ago, the game carts of today will lose half their usefulness in 10 years. The days of collecting older games and being able to use all of the games aspects are gone.