[QUOTE="enrique_marrodz"][QUOTE="SMASHKING84"] Are you sure you're talking about the same game? I haven't used motion controls at all (despite I like them a lot), nor do I see any reference to such in the manual or any tutorial. Standard attacks are automatic, as far as I understand you just control the specific arts from each character More related to motion controls surely you missed a lot of great games this generation, including Madworld, Wii Sports (/Resort), Godfather, No More Heroes (1/2), and tons others which use great motion controls. Strangely enough you think TP is the Zelda when the motion controls there are just "tacked on", compared to SS where the controls are precise and specific to the gameplay experience I understand a lot of people not liking motion controls, but is a complete separate topic from Xenoblade which doesn't require them and, in my experience, people not liking motion controls are just not skilled enough to enjoy them and/or use them proficiently (no offense intended) RegardsSMASHKING84
one i tried to trigger a standard attack and i couldn't pull it off without using the motion controls as far as tp goes i own the gcn version and the wii version so the fact that i can choose weither i used motion controls is better.
Plus tp wii used the motion controls only for basic things (like aiming) skyward sword the only thing in that entire game that isn't motion controled is link walking/running to me the fact tp wii used motion controls way less then ss makes it more forgivable and again there is no motion control free version of ss(and yes people have prooved with the dolpjin emulator you can map the motion controls to the sceond analog stick)
ss like ww,ph,and st also has an annoying travel method it it's more forgivable in ww,etc over ss because the sky in skyward sword is the emptiest overworld ever in a zelda game hell if it weren't for the story and the puzzles outside of dugeons(like loz was and a few others) i would hate ss
As it stands i mildly dislike ss because of controls,travel method and the fan base giving it far more praise then it diserves(which isn't a surprise since they seem to only like zelda games with annoying gimmicks hell i guarentee if tp had even more gimmicks then it does more people would claim it's the bset zelda,while i can't stand gimmicks if i don't want to play a zelda game i'll play something else simple)
You sir, are very, very confused. I honestly have no idea why you are talking about Skyward Sword, when the thread is clearly about another game lol. There are no motion controls in Xenoblade, at all.
I agree, you discussion belongs to another topic and you should refer to Xenoblade's manual. There are no motion controls. Standard attacks are automatic BTW, pointing the bow in TP does not use motion controls but the pointer (obviously), but waggling the wiimote to use the sword yes. Again, in SS is very precise, in TP you "just waggle", which is still good as a launch title IMO, but in no way comparable to the precision in SS. Also, remember emulators are out of discussion in all forums
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