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@KBFloYd: Amazon was but the preorders sold out quick. I was reading on Nintendo of America twitter and a Bestbuy rep said to keep an eye on them and they most likely will get it. Im guessing Gamestop, Target and maybe Toysrus might get one, im not sure though.
@Jaysonguy: Game worth $59.99, USB worth $9.99, Music worth $9.99, Book Worth $19.99, Art card the size of a game case worth $9.99, thats a total of $109.95 excluding tax, its no wonder it sold out so quick.
@Jaysonguy: Game worth $59.99, USB worth $9.99, Music worth $9.99, Book Worth $19.99, Art card the size of a game case worth $9.99, thats a total of $109.95 excluding tax, its no wonder it sold out so quick.
You have no idea what things sell for in a first world country....
I'm glad that in places where it's hard to find clean drinking water things cost that much but in North America that's outrageously overpriced.
@Jaysonguy: I dont know about you, but i pay $20-30 for art books in America. Music Soundtracks run $10-20. And decorative USB sticks run $5-10. And thats for mass produced stuff, not limited edition stuff.
Managed to pre-order a copy off Amazon, but if it goes up on BestBuy I'll try there with my GCU to lower the price.
The things this game does to your nipples :P
lol I missed the pre order too, i've went to amazon like 10 times hoping it'll pop back up but I don't think it's exclusive to amazon so maybe best buy and or gamestop will get it too.
@Chozofication: I thought about buying it from them, but they are charging extra $5-13 for shipping and have to wait anywhere from 10-1 days to get the game after its release. I think im going to wait for Target or Toysrus or someone. I should have jumped on that Amazon, they ship early.
Thank you for posting, im still trying to buy the limited edition, i want that thumb drive.
@mesome713: I went and got it with gamestop but if I can manage a pre order on best buy I'll cancel the former, I got this for insurance basically :p
Hope @YearoftheSnake5 can get this for his nipples xD
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