Just for fun...
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I usually put it away in my colleciton so that I can move on to the next game I wanna play. I tend to replay games a couple years after I beat them though so I don't sell them.
it depends on the game, if i spent alot of money on it,then i keep it,if its like a gift,and has no online play then i sell it,unless i really like it,but if its a bad game i dont like,i sell it
It depends on the game. If there is more to do in the game than just completing the game (unlockables and the like) I will continue to play it until I have unlocked everything, completed all of the side missions, basically finish it one hundred percent. Once that is done it gets put away.
If I don't like the game I usually sell it, I just don't see any point in keeping a game I thought was garbage. If the game gave me mixed reactions I usually keep it due to me a lot of times liking it a lot better on my second playthrough for some reason like the game Nostalgia. Of course if the game is awesome and I like it a lot I keep it.
Depends on the game. If it's a game with a small amount of replay value, it will collect dust. If it's a game with great/awesome replay value, I'll play it everyday until I get bored or until I buy another game.
If it is a good game I'll usually borrow it to someone. Same goes for my systems. When I'm through with them I give them out to people, forget, time passes, and sometimes have a hard time getting them back if I ever want to play a certain game.
If it's a handheld: I try to beat it 100%
If it's a console game: Just forget about it unless it's a magnificent game, then it has the honor of me trying to beat it 100% as well.
I usually just put my DS games away in my game storage cabinet after I beat them (where games sit for all the time, from ones as old as the genesi/snes gen to ones as new as current titles :P)
however I'll sometimes bust out a pokemon game again and randomly start over.
If it's a handheld: I try to beat it 100%
If it's a console game: Just forget about it unless it's a magnificent game, then it has the honor of me trying to beat it 100% as well.
Any particular reason for the distinction between the two?
i vote "other" because it really depends. sometimes i replay, sometimes i never look at it again, sometimes i keep playing for 100%... it all depends on the game.BrunoBRSIndeed This. Sell is usually not an option though, even if I hate the game, for some reason I hold on to it.
Collection. I don't like selling my games, if just for the rare occasion that I do go back and play them.
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