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next gen DS :
game cube graphics
bigger screen
super smash bros ds (:D )
hmm.. that's all i can think of now.
Well Nintendo has already confirmed that they can get Gamecube graphics into a hand held now, however knowing how far ahead Nintendo has their handhelds planned we might not see that in the next DS. With that in mind my dream DS would be for the next generation of hand held gaming:
Dual touch screens
2 analog sticks as well as the D-Pad
Gamecube graphics
Support SD cards
Give the DS access to the Wii Store (VC games on the go please)
Also let it support Digital Distribution for games
Interntal memory of at least 30 gigs for VC games and Digital Distribution of software
Support user created content for games as well as user created games (DSWare anyone?)
NO MULTIMEDIA FUNCTIONS! (We all already have cell phones with cameras, MP3 players, and everything like that, don't waste time and money with it)
The DS Store should include VC games as well GBA and DS games
Connectivity to the next generation console
Better wifi and better online play
Comes with a headset and gets rid of the friends code, give me something like a Gamertag, it isn't hard Nintendo
That's really all I can think of at present time, but at least I think its a step in the right direction. I truly want a console on the go but I also want Nintendo to keep its line up of games that you can play in short bursts, however not every game should be like that.
Lets see...
A flip DS with 1 widetouch screen,built sturdy like a tank, internet, games with GCN graphics, gamertag style friendcodes (1 per DS, not per game), D-pad, face buttons, 2 analogs, home button, +&- buttons, shoulderbuttons, stylus, texting within any connection or network like MSN, movies and music.
Give me that, and I will die happy. With a 500$ IOU in my pocket.
I can think of a lot of next gen stuff. My ideas for the new DS would be: PS2 graphics, bigger screen, analog stcik, both screens are now touch screens, and able to play DS games and gameboy games.GamerTron0why ps2 graphics?? U know that GCN has much better graphics
A Nintendo DS Infinite
A sexy yet smooth look
Like a Sidekick
Analog/D-pad Light up buttons
Titanium Stylus with magnetic case compartment for stylus so it won't fall out
Wi-fi at 3G speed
Phone (optional)
When flipping the screen up, you can move it sideways so others an see you playing
Double touch Screen press button to flip over bottom screen for texting
Buy Games Online diect download Or buy at store
Online Store for books,Games, movies, updates, etc.
High Def Bose Speakers with amplifiers
High Def Screen
Best Graphics it can handle
RPGs Tons and Tons of RPGs
MMORPGs made especially just for the DS Infinite
(some) 3-D games pop out
8.0 Megapixil Camera
Fingerprint security
GCN graphics(of course)
dual analog stubs(gripped and flat)
Dual 3.5in multitouch screens
redesigned game cards
sdhc slot
640x480 screen resolution
full multimedia support
web browser and dl store
games with DLC
3g networking for a small fee
improved wifi
glass screens
launches in black, white, crimson/black, cobalt/black, pink, and silver with options for glossy or matte.
Basically a PSP with one single multi touch screen, no need for HD, but better resolution and GC graphics or similar. Internet connectivity and on line (no more friend condes, pls). Dual analog sticks (I'd like to be actually able to play metroid this time) and games should probably come in SD cards...
I don't expect this to be 150$ of course, but I think 250 should be possible.
You guys really think low. Holographic screens. (PWN)meiaman
While we're at it, why not throw in the mind control function?! (Major PWN).
But thinking realistically, I could see this on the next DS:
This is all I have for now. There are so many possibilities for the next DS.
A Nintendo DS Infinite
A sexy yet smooth look
Like a Sidekick
Analog/D-pad Light up buttons
Titanium Stylus with magnetic case compartment for stylus so it won't fall out
Wi-fi at 3G speed
Phone (optional)
When flipping the screen up, you can move it sideways so others an see you playing
Double touch Screen press button to flip over bottom screen for texting
Buy Games Online diect download Or buy at store
Online Store for books,Games, movies, updates, etc.
High Def Bose Speakers with amplifiers
High Def Screen
Best Graphics it can handle
RPGs Tons and Tons of RPGs
MMORPGs made especially just for the DS Infinite
(some) 3-D games pop out
8.0 Megapixil Camera
Fingerprint security
wow, that's one beast of a handheld ;)
first of all think about dual touch screen if the design is the same as it is now the dual touch screen would be a huge pain on the top screen. For you to put enough pressure to actually make the top screen react the screen would pop down or if you made the top screen stiff it would still be a pain to hold (if you think I am wrong just try it) omishboy4831+1. Good Point :) Next Gen DS: -GameCube Graphics -Larger Screens -More downloadable content -Single Friend Code -More development options for programmer (something similar to XNA) -DSWare :D -MMORPG That's all I currently think of (and that's echoing features commented here, which are all good ideas :D)
Well, first, it'd have to have higher resolution. And i'd like it to have gamecube graphics 'cause we're at about that stage in technology. 1 touch screen, NOT 2! that would just be annoying, trust me...
umm, better version of pictochat i.e. different colours, wi-fi... intenet browser, camera and MP3 ('cause i might as well) bigger memory unit, Bigger screens, smudge IMMUNE coating (i don't know how... :S) and a little bit bigger than the DS lite so that there would be slightly more space to fit everything in...
This with graphics as you see.
8MP camera
Wii like menu
Vc capablities
Sdcard support
USB support
Multimedia functions
Internet browser with flash 10.0 support and java
better screen
support for user created content
only one friend code and if nintendo would be nice throw away friend codes and add gemertag thing
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