After watching the 2009 E3 convention for Nintendo, i was not impressed at all with New Super Mario Bros Wii. However near the end of the show, Conduit looked interesting (probably won't pick it up, i have other FPS's i'd rather play like Resistance 2), but then Super Mario Galaxy 2 showed up, and then Metroid : Other M (Blew me away), and then it was found that there is indeed a new Zelda coming for hopefully next year.
I've played Mario Galaxy a bit on a friends Wii, and i liked it but not enough to pick up a Wii. and since i finally swalloed the big one and finally picked up the PS3 (and i have not regretted it, love that thing), i've been looking for a console of a different flavor. the Wii fits the bill. i don't need the Wii for games like Conduit or Dead Space Extraction. but rather for games like Mario Galaxies 1 and 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Zelda: Twilight Princess, or small oddballs like No More Heroes and Maramusa's Demon's Blade. then add in the fact that i've never played Gamecube (completely skipped that), and would love to get my hands on Star Fox 64, and old time Nintendo games. hell yez. i get the best of both worlds of this generation.
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