but the costs are so much higher for those consoles, and it is extremely inconvient for devs to focus on a game that can be released on three platforms with the same userbase numbers as wii. reasons why Valve, IW, iD, and others won't touch the Wii with a 10 foot pole.
I think those developers are just jealous of Nintendo.
and the one option in my original post with BR, it was an ideal situation. i said the one that was likely to happen had DVD and not bR, and the example i provided with BR was a not likely, but want i'd want situation. i know it won't have BR. Perfect World situation
In a perfect world situation Nintendo would develop a brand new and better format.
You simply can't pull of multiplat games on wii, you have to take a lot of time and build engines specifically for wii, just as treyarch did with COD4 engine on wii, it takes time, and Activision has the money to do that, a lot of other devs wont
Programming always takes time unless you have a program that does that for you but still you have to wait for it to compile and run.
Now do they focus on developing a game with roughly the same hardware, and easy to make it for 2 consoles with 50 million users, and PC, or just a console they'd have to entirely redesign the game for a userbase of 50 million only on one console?
Having 2 consoles that have exactly the same games is just boring. I am pretty sure Wii gams can still be ported to the PC.
I mean for *****s sake the Wii uses a single core 729Mhz CPU and the PS3 uses a 8 core 3.2Ghz CPU!
Meaningless nerd talk about inverse seconds:P
and like i said in SW, i think it will happen in 2011 due to well,.... nintendo always replaces their home console every 5 year even when they were the market leader, just like they always do to their handhelds (replacing them while still market leader and having life left in predecessors)
There is no news and no evidence. If Nintendo doesn't release another handheld console before the end of the month you will be disproved and there is no news about a new handheld console.
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