Its a tragic day for me. My Zelda disk was going funny, first it didnt read, I was in the ice temple. Then I try again, disk read error. I look at my disk, perfectly clean, no scratches, I clean it anyway. 2 times to be exact. Then I try again, same error. It goes to the menu, lets me pick my profile, then it does this error. So then it I listen to the system and listen carefully, I notice that once I pick my profile, my Wii makes no noise at all. The game refuses to load. So now I have to buy another copy of Zelda to finish the game, Im just glad its not back then and that I can continue my profile with a new disk (I think).
Yep, all the other games worked. Except the only other one was Tiger Woods, and thats my brothers, it does it once in a while. My brother treats games like crap, and I blamed him for breaking the disk at first becasue he was the last one to touch Zelda ( I played it fine yesterday.)
Oh my gosh! I just checked my friends profile on my game, and it works! the only thing that doesnt work is my profile, it say "Cannot read disk when I try it."
Your file could be corrupted or something. That sucks because the Ice Temple is far. Have your friend use his Zelda disc and see if your profile loads on it. If it doesn't then it could be your profile that's bad, not the disc.
If your profile is bad, I recommend going to click on game saves and save a gamesave to an SD card. You can usually find a gamesave for your current point in the game. I had to do that once, when I got to the room with the cannon that shoots you into the sky palace. I decided to save in that room and the game glitched. Be careful not to do that.
Oh my gosh! I just checked my friends profile on my game, and it works! the only thing that doesnt work is my profile, it say "Cannot read disk when I try it."tman93
Oh no, dont tell me my file is corrupted? Couldnt it be a scratch at the certin point that im in at the game, I mean I had a file corrupted in a game once, and it sayed it was corrupted, but this says there a disk error when I load my profile.
Oh my gosh! I just checked my friends profile on my game, and it works! the only thing that doesnt work is my profile, it say "Cannot read disk when I try it."tman93
Sounds like a corrupt file. Try copying it to another slot and trying it then.
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