Hello my dear folks
I hope you are all doing well. this is my first time making a new topic since I became a member in 2003, so I do apologize if this has been asked before.
Well my question is: Which Zelda ending you believe is the most epic?
In my humble opinion, and having finished almost all the Zeldas (not counting DX annd oracle of seasons...), I think the best ending on a Zelda game is the one on TP... why?
Because it shows more emotion by the characters on screen, the dialogue is well thought and is not the characteristic ending of a hero saving the world and then dissapearing from everybody's sight... in this case, Midna, a secondary charcater (and sometimes very annoying one) sacrifices herself, which I think was very heartmoving.
Those are my two cents :) I do believe that Zelda games are always bad on the ending cinematics, but hey, gameplay and story makes it worth till the last line of the credits. Feel free to post your most remembered Zelda ending.
Happy Posting!
PD: Also, feel free to describe why yo like it the most!
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