OOT is the game where it all changed, since it deals with time, it's logical to conclude the timeline split. A future with ganon sealed and no link, a past with link running off to termina, and i would guess, a fully alive ganon. Now consider, Link goes off to save Navi (MM) leaving Hyrule with a living ganon, who is free to destroy the kingdom, leading into WW (Since in WW's backstory no hero appears, of course, he's in termina at the time)
So, the timelines are as such
1: The Minish Cap, Four Swords, Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Twilight Princess, LoZ, Links Awakening??, Zelda II
2: The Minish Cap, Four Swords, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass
The Logic behind this? I'll try it spoiler free.
The Minish Cap comes first obviously, because this deals with the Picori, the forging of the Four Sword, no Ganon, Vaati as the main villain, and Link without a customary green hat. Four Swords comes next because Link has his hat, and the Four Sword is already established, Vaati is also still the villain.
Ocarina of Time, the pivotal split point comes next, in Timeline 1, The events of Ocarina of time happened, Link was sent back to the past, Ganon was sealed, and a ruined Hyrule lived on in relative peace, A Link to the Past comes next, the backstory of LTTP is very similar to the events of adult links OOT (Seven Sages / Seven Wise Men, Ganondorf seeking the Golden Land / Ganondorf seeking the entrance to the golden land via the Temple of Time, and then Ganon being sealed in the Dark World by the wise men / being sealed by the sages), Ganon returns in LTTP and is destroyed by Link, who touches the Triforce and brings about a reversal of Ganons deeds.
The Oracle game 1 comes next (Seasons or Ages, can't really tell, all we know is it takes place at the same time as its counterpart in Timeline 2, if you play this game on its own, no Ganon, if you beat both of the games you may face Ganon.. strange, but in Timeline 2 Ganon is still around.. so maybe cross dimensional gameplay makes it logical.
Twilight Princess comes next, the world of TP is a more rustic, damaged looking Hyrule, which of course is logical considering the events of adult links OOT and Ganons 7 year reign of destruction. a new Link, is forced again to confront Ganon who was sealed in another realm and escapes.
Next is LoZ, this is considered to happen here, because the Triforce are now physical items, and not part of the souls of the chosen ones, there is also only 2, Wisdom and Power. Ganon is a beast, not a humanoid, and steals Power for himself. It's hard to link LoZ into this part of the timeline, but it's harder to link it anywhere else..
Links Awakening is considered to happen between LoZ and Zelda 2, during Links trip between east and west Hyrule. Although it could also be modified to fit after WW.. as someone said PH and LA have some similarities.. So we'll put a big ?? on here for now.
Zelda 2 comes last, Link is grown and is the same Link from LoZ, since Ganon is dead (Not sealed.. dead) and is about to be resurrected by an evil wizard, Zelda is cursed to a long sleep. This is the only game where Ganon is declared actually dead.
Timeline 2: Ocarina of Time, in this timeline, the events don't happen, here, we have a young link returned from the future, ganon doesn't acquire the key to the temple of time, link doesn't pull the sword from the pedestal and open the gateway, and all is good.. or is it? Ganondorf would still be alive as leader of the Gerudo, and plotting to take over.
Next is Majora's Mask, Link leaves Hyrule in search of Navi and is drawn into the realm of Termina, leaving Ganondorf in Hyrule, and no hero to stop his evil plan. Link then returns to Hyrule at the end of MM, but we don't know what happens next.
Next we know, is The Wind Waker, Ganon apparently conquers Hyrule, and the gods intervene, flooding the country, no hero appeared (he was in termina) and Ganon was sealed below the waves.
Last in this timeline is Phantom Hourglass, it follows directly on from WW. We could add LA in here somewhere as well, with the one exception that Tetra and her Pirates do not appear in LA. Hmphh.
So, that's the best I can make out of it, it all fits together with the exception of LoZ and LA which are enigmatic at best.
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