Why do ppl think this zelda is being rushed?
This is the longest time they have ever taken to make a new zelda from what I remember with the other ones!
Imo this game could/should have come out a year ago and it would have been fine.
If they delay it at this point it will piss me off because it will most likely have nothing to do with improving the game in any big way, most likely it will have to do with them delaying and porting it to a new console, same bs they pulled with TLP!
wow i never new any of this actually, i thought they just started working on it in like 2009. and i was surprised by the article i posted here because i thought they had barely even worked on it. and about the rushing, everyone is basically worried(including me) because its been a very long time since a zelda game was released and everyone wants this game to be awesome, nobody wants this game to come out and suck or dissapoint the standards that they were expecting to see in the game.
Inan interview with shigeru miyamoto, he mentions that he is trying to bring in the"casual" crowedof gamers and make them interestd in playing the next zelda. this means that the difficulty or the game itself might change so dramaticly and ruin it for all of the hardcore zelda fans.
this random guy on youtube talks about the new zedla and most of his rumours/news actually make sence: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=earthbounding&annotation_id=annotation_530659&feature=iv#p/a
and that sums up my point, i was surprised by what i thought was an early release date for the game and i am worried how the game will turn out to be in the end.
-Almo SSBB
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