They should team up again and do a 3-d zelda this time!
Don't think Ninty would let them touch a major zelda on a home console though.
Maybe a title on the 3ds? That would be boss, and hopefully it uses the OoT engine as Ninty handhelds are now capable of it, even on the normal DS yet they won't touch it, not that I have anything wrong with the PH engine they made up for the platform....
Trust me the 3DS is capable of more than OOT. Its close to the power of the xbox1 if not surpassing it in some aspects, but not that close to the wii. Polycount differences can give u a better picture aswell. Xbox1 26m poly's. Tegra2 28poly's, Wii apparently 100m, but i think thats an overstatement maybe 80m idk for sure. If the 3DS does use the tegra2 then i will be very happy. As for capcom making a major Zelda game...id say no. Im fine with smaller projects.
Not sure if that's a typo but the Xbox 1 is capable of 120 million polygons. 100 million is definitely an overstatement for the Wii, as the GC I think maxed out at 40 to 50 million, though there is no real definitive answer. With a 50 percent OC the Wii should be theoretically capable of at least 60 million. As for graphics, the biggest strength of the Wii in terms of graphics is it's S3 Texture Compression capability, amount of overall RAM, on GPU dedicated texture and frame buffer, and native ability to do some types of bumpmapping like EMBM. Luckily this effect as previously stated is readily supported, however other effects like normal mapping, self shadowing, etc require special programming using the CPU. So it along with heavy amounts of shadowing, including self shadowing would be a bit hard to do in a large environment in a Wii game. Too much resource would be wasted on it. Now that doesn't mean good graphics would be hard to achieve, it just means leveraging the systems capabilities in a way to achieve great results. As for anti-aliasing, supposedly it's not very good at it, though Monster Hunter 3 does have AA of some sort.first of i want to apologize for this wall of text, and if u dont bother to read i understand.
1. yes and no, the xbox 1 is capable of 120m raw triangles(yeah typo lol), but when other effects are applied it drops down to around 70m, and even lower at times. When bumpmaps and shaders were heavly used i noticed that it dropped down to around 30m and 15m. Riddick and Doom 3 are very good examples of this. The xbox1's CPU basically bottlenecked the GPU. The GC on the otherhand had a significantly better CPU. The powerPC in the GC crushed the intel 3. The GC's max was 50 mil raw, but drops down to 25-40mil when other effects are used. Zelda TP IMO made the best use of poly's Links model alone contained 6768poly's so i think the GC was capable of having a stable 50 or so if the engine was well optimized. before someone brings conker up i want to point out that most of the game used prebaked textures, and thats why the game looked so good. It wasnt realtime shaders.
2. as for wii, it is capable of around 140m raw, and when shaders are applied it drops down to 100m. The reason i say it might be lower is because TEV shaders partially manipulate poly's to emulate pixel shaders,a nd in a sense increase polycount, but one thing for sure it never dropped down to the levels of the xbox1 i say the amount drops abput 20-10m depending on the rest of the game, but games like Mario Galaxy may prove me wrong, and maybe its not an overstatement. That game basically is full of EMBM shaders on almost every sruface, With exception of certain character models and other things., most the game used actual polys to detail things like bricks instead of using EMBM to give them detail. but like u siad its basically all subjective and depends on the game engine i suppose.
3. as for self shadowing and all that other good stuff u listed :P, alot of that is proccessed by the starlet (the wiis co proccesor that does both software proccessing as well as graphics, this chip was not in the GC btw and is not an FPU that was present in the GC) so if a dev uses that instead of completely relying on the broadway then it shouldnt be that hard on the wii, but this is in a perfect case scenario like galaxy, MH3 etc. Also the Wii's CPU isnt just an overclocked Gekko. Its actually using a new architecture. Its not such a large change that it has to emulate GC games though, but it is more efficietn and that also makes a factor in preformance. its not just a GC overclocked by 50%, there have been alot of changes made in the hardware that alot of people overlook. but essentially you are right when u say that everything has to be balanced in order to achieve a good result.
4. As for anti-alaising. yeah basically the wii sucks at MSAA, and i dont plan on ever seeing anything similar implemented. Also on other thing that dissapoints me is that the wii is capable of 32bit color, and 720p, but the frame buffer chip has a hardware limit of 480p, and 24bits :(
but anyway thats what ive conjured up and learned over the years. I think ur the first person ive met on the wii boards that actually know abot EMBM lol. this is fun :P
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